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Master English Studies Literature - Language - Culture

The course programme moves beyond the traditional disciplinary segregation within English Studies and seeks to interface Language, Literary and Cultural Studies, thus offering a non-compartmentalised approach to the subjects studied. The programme is concerned with Anglophone literatures and cultures (outside North America), but rather than studying national literatures, the focus is on inter- and transcultural phenomena in a global perspective. The programme aims to raise students' awareness of the linguistic characteristics of literary and non-literary texts, their historical contexts and intertextual and intermedial relations. Particular emphasis is placed on improving students' written and oral language skills.

In addition to attending two mandatory modules on the theories and methods in Literary and Cultural Studies students can choose from a selection of further modules (Postcolonial Studies, Gender Studies, Medieval Studies, Literary and Cultural History, Contemporary Literature and Culture, and Intermediality). They also attend two modules on language skills (academic writing, literary translation, communication skills and contemporary Britain). Modules generally consist of one seminar and one tutorial; language modules consist of two tutorials.

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