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Einführungsbereich im M.A. Musik, Sound, Performance

17750: Documentation and Archiving in the Digital Age. (Vorlesung)
Archiving music was for a long time focused on preserving sheet music and documenting performance results in written form. With the development of new media (music) technologies, however, not only music and its production processes change, there also emerges the need of developing new valuable strategies for documentation, archiving and preserving music and its performances. This includes also a ...
Dozent/inMiriam Akkermann
Zeit22.10.2024 - 11.02.2024
18.00 - 20.00
17765: Social Histories of Musical Performance (auf Englisch) (Seminar)
In this seminar you will be introduced to the history of sociology of music, as well as to its key concepts and methodologies. The study of music as a social medium has had many ramifications throughout history: from critical (T. W. Adorno) to mediation theories of music (A. Hennion, G. Born), to the symbiotic relation between musical taste and social class (P. Bourdieu, N. Prior), or how music ...
Dozent/inJoão Cardante Romão , João Cardante Romão
Zeit14.10.2024 - 10.02.2024
12.00 - 14.00
HU53473: Musiktheoretische Grundlagen (Übung)
In diesem Kurs werden Grundlagen in Partiturkunde sowie höranalytische Zugänge zu ausgewählten Phänomenen innerhalb der musikalischen Parameter Zeit – Raum – Form – Dynamik erarbeitet. Ausgehend davon werden musiktheoretische Begriffe und elementare Satztechniken vermittelt und geübt, um Notentexte und Interpretationen eigenständig beschreiben, analysieren und einordnen zu können. ...
Dozent/inMaria Hector
Zeit18.10.2024 - 14.02.2024
10.00 - 12.00