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The Quality of Slownesses in Expanded Neural Networks

09.07.2024 | 09:30 - 18:30

Workshop organised by Anna-Lena Werner (research associate KMM), and Sophie Erlund, artist and researcher & producer in the team of EER / Studio Ólafur Elíasson,

Max. participant number: 25,

Registration via Ariadna Blanch López // a.blanch.lopez@fu-berlin.de

Based on interdisciplinary, practice-based research contributions by artist Helene Nymann, research-practitioner Ilya Vidrin, anthropologist Joe Dumit and choreographic designer Lins Derry, this interactive workshop examines the plasticity of “Slownesses” and suggests it as a quality or modality, rather than a temporality. Exploring so-called “attentioning”, in terms of physical and neural movements, as well as more-than-human-perspectives, participants will explore how memories may be imagined in spaces of the future. This workshop is a collaboration between the research networks Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER) and metaLAB (at) Harvard & FU Berlin.

“The Quality of Slownesses in Expanded Neural Networks”


With Dario Rodighiero, Helene Nymann, Ilya Vidrin, Joseph Dumit and Lins Derry

Hosted and conceived by Anna-Lena Werner & Sophie Erlund


Dates: Tuesday 9 July, 2024.

Location: SR 103 Institut für Theaterwissenschaft

Hybrid: From 14:00








Annette Jael Lehmann (KMM / metaLAB) Anna-Lena Werner (KMM) & Sophie Erlund (EER)



Introductions and Presentation round

Every participant, including the workshop hosts and presenters pick one thing which they are currently most excited or curious about and have 2 minutes to present that 


++++++++ 5 min. BREAK ++++++++++



Slowmenology, the aesthetics of neurodiverse togetherness in making and learning

Joseph Dumit (EER)

A workshop on experiential learning and aesthetics with/from non-humans and then each other. Using "slownesses" as an experimental portal into the how of experience and reflection. 



Respondence & Scores (buildings)

Sophie Erlund & KMM-Students



++++++++ LUNCH ++++++++++


*hybrid from here*



Presentation round with new participants from Meta Lab @ Harvard @ FU Berlin

Every participant, including the workshop hosts and presenters pick one thing which they are currently most excited or curious about and have 2 minutes to present that 



Carte de Continuonus

Helene Nymann (EER)

Helene Nymann is a visual artist and is currently an artistic research fellow at the Interacting Minds Centre, Department of Anthropology.




Dario Rodigiero (metaLAB)



The Choreographics of Data Systems (Hybrid Presentation)

Lins Derry (metaLAB)

In this hybrid workshop, Lins Derry will discuss "the choreographics of data systems" or instances where choreography aids the systematic processing of data − such as when data are aestheticized, classified, or, all together, reconfigured.



Respondend Ilya Vidrin (metaLAB)



Final reflections 

Led by Sophie Erlund & Anna-Lena Werner


18:30- 19:00

Informal networking


This workshop is a collaboration between the research networks Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER) and metaLAB (at) Harvard & FU Berlin.

This workshop is a collaboration between metaLAB @ Harvard @ FU Berlin ->

https://mlml.io and Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER) -> https://www.eer.info






Anna-Lena Werner is a post doc researcher and educator for Culture and Media at the Institute for Theatre / Freie Universität Berlin, focusing on the entanglements of art, politics and representations of violence. 


Annette Jael Lehmann is Professor for Culture and Media at the Institute for Theater Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. She has a strong interdisciplinary focus in research and practice-based collaborations, and is co- founder of metLAB @ FU Berlin. 


Dario Rodighiero is an assistant professor of STS at the University of Groningen and a principal at Harvard’s metaLAB, specializing in design, data, and visual literacy, with a focus on network visualization and text analysis to reveal cultural and scientific insights.


Ilya Vidrin is Assistant Professor of Creative Practice Research and core faculty at the Institute for Experiential Robotics at Northeastern University (Boston, USA) and an interdisciplinary research-practitioner, investigating ethics of interaction, including the embodiment of care, trust, cultural competence and social responsibility.


Joseph Dumit is an anthropologist of passions, performance, brains, computers, AI, games, bodies, drugs and facts; Chair of Performance Studies, and Prof. of STS and Anthropology at University of California Davis, and Prof Interdisciplinary Data Collaborations at Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University. 


Lins Derry is a choreographic designer and Principal at metaLAB (at) Harvard working in the domains of dance, data representation, and human-computer interaction.


Sophie Erlund is Danish born artist represented by PSM, Berlin, and a researcher and producer at Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin.





Conveeners & Organisers

Sophie Erlund (EER)

Anna-Lena Werner (KMM)



Ariadna López 


Video Documentation

Yanina Isla

Zeit & Ort

09.07.2024 | 09:30 - 18:30

SR 103 (Grunewaldstraße 35)