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BLL member Lea Doppelbauer wins presentation award at the Annual Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation

News vom 08.01.2020

It has been a month since our team member Lea Doppelbauer has taken part in the annual conference of the DGNR (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation). She also attended a competition there and did win the "Kurzvortragspreis" (the price for the best short presentation) for a presentation named "Additive Therapieeffekte bei chronischer Aphasie: Wiederholte Intensive Sprach-Handlungstherapie" (additive therapy-effects in chronic aphasia: Repetition of Intense Language Action Therapie)

To let you participate a bit in the topic she spoke about she summed up the presentation in a few words:

Treatment of aphasia, an acquired language impairment commonly following stroke, has been shown to be successful if it is delivered intensively (5-10 h/week). Therefore, a new format of delivering intensive regimens is required which is implementable in daily clinical practice. This new format could include repeated intensive therapy intervals with longer therapy breaks in between.

In our talk, we presented new results on the effectiveness of this therapy delivery regime: Repeated short, intensive therapy intervals of 2-4 weeks of the Intensive Language Action Therapy (ILAT; also known as Constraint-Induced Aphasia Therapy, CIAT) lead to significant additive improvements in language functions, although therapy blocks were separated by a long break of 8-30 months. The results suggest that this format of delivering intensive aphasia treatment might present a clinically- and cost-efficient alternative to low-intensive therapy.

Congratulations again!

And thanks a lot to everyone who is funding this project:


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