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PhoNet - Workshop

News vom 24.01.2020

On the 12th of February Prof Friedemann Pulvermüller and Kristof Strijkers will hold a workshop on our new research project "PhoNet" in Aix-en-Provence. The PhoNet project addresses the questions (i) whether the phonological brain networks recruited in speaking versus in listening to speech are the same or different, (ii) how these phonological networks interact with semantic and pragmatic neuronal circuits in speech production and understanding. A series of neuroimaging experiments will be presented which systematically compare within the same brains the spatial and temporal correlates elicited by specific phoneme categories during word production and word perception in different semantic and pragmatic contexts.

The workshop is meant to: (1) present and discuss the motivating questions, underlying theories, research objective and work program of the recently started joint French-German grant entitled ‘Phonological Networks in Speech Production and Perception’ (PhoNet), which is co-funded by the ANR and DFG (FRAL grant), and (2) to obtain input, comments and advice from international experts in psycho- and neurolinguistics.

Our invited experts, Dres. Pickering, Fadiga and Hartsuiker will provide feedback on these proposed experiments as well as on the general theoretical framework of the project. The opening workshop will be framed by keynote lectures by our international experts on topics related to the current project.

Find the program HERE

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