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Cardinal Numerals. Old English from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective

Cardinal Numerals

Cardinal Numerals

Ferdinand von Mengden – 2010

The book embeds an analysis of the Old English numeral system and its particularities into a broader, cross-linguistic discussion and provides a theoretical framework for the general study of numeral systems. A novel perspective on the morphosyntactic behaviour of numerals allows the author to test and refine some long standing tenets in the study of numerals.

Cardinal Numerals. Old English from a Cross-Lingusitic Perspective
de Gruyter
Berlin, New York
ISBN: 978-3110220346
Erschienen in
Reihe: Topics in English Linguistics, Bd. 67
Größe oder Länge
329 Seiten


"This monograph is a major contribution to the literature on numerals andnumerical cognition. Its value will be in its rekindling of debates long leftdormant, and its integration of Germanic historical linguistics, syntax,semantics, and cognitive linguistics within a fascinating study of thisneglected lexical domain."
Stephen Chrisomalis in: Linguist List 21.5213