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Dr. Manolis Ulbricht

Evaluations by the Students

Courses, Research Internships and Erasmus+ and other Internships

This website and its subwebsites are updated until April 2022. For the current website since October 2022, please refer to the website at the University of Göttingen and for the time between May – October 2022 to the website at LMU Munich.
 Research Internships


Feedback to the research internship at the Department of Byzantine Philology and Folkloristics (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Winter Semester 2017/2018

Feedback to the research internship at the chair for Berlin Byzantine StudiesInternship (Nr. 16280)


Programa de Iniciación a la Investigación CNBBBJ-UNAM-2020 2021

Participation in the project preparations for the “Corpus Coranicum Christianum”, FU Berlin

Erasmus+ Internships 2018 & 2019

Participation in the project preparations for the “Corpus Coranicum Christianum, FU Berlin


Summer Semester 2021

Feedback to the course «Επιστημονική μελέτη θεολογικών κειμένων και της σημασίας τους για την διαμόρφωση της Ανατολικής Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας» [“Scientific study of theological texts and their significance for the formation of the Eastern Roman Empire”] (Theological-philosophical Literature, Seminar [No. 60ΜΦΒ10/ Group Β]/ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Summer Semester 2020

Feedback to the course «Βυζάντιο και Ισλάμ. Οι ιστορικές απαρχές της πολεμικής μεταξύ χριστιανών και μουσουλμάνων ή αλλιώς· του διαθρησκευτικού διαλόγου» [“Byzantium and Islam. The historical origins of Christian-Muslim polemics, or: the interreligious dialogue”] (Theological-Philosophical Literature, Seminar [No. 60ΜΦΒ10/ Group Β]/ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Winter Semester 2019/20

Feedback to the course «Εισαγωγή στην επιστημονική μελέτη και ανάλυση ιστορικών, θεολογικών και φιλολογικών πηγών της Ύστερης Αρχαιότητας» [“Introduction to the scientific study and analysis of historical, theological and philological sources of the Late Antiquity”] (Late Antiquity literature/ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Summer Semester 2018

Feedback to the course Einführung in die byzantinische Hymnologie [Introduction to Byzantine Hymnology] (Byzantine History, tutorial [Nr. 16273])


Summer Semester 2017

Feedback to the course Methodenkurs. Einführung in das Studium der Philologie [Methods Course. Introduction to the study of Philology] (Introduction to Byzantine Studies, Tutorial [Nr. 16271])


Winter Semester 2016/2017

Fedback to the course Byzanz und der Islam. Die historischen Ursprünge der christlich-muslimischen Polemik, oder: des interreligiösen Dialoges [Byzantium and Islam. The historical origins of Christian-Muslim polemics, or: the interreligious dialogue] (Byzantine Greek, Tutorial [Nr. 16273])


Summer Semester 2016

Feedback to the course Von Konstantin dem Großen bis zum Großen Schisma. Einführung in das Quellenstudium byzantinisch-theologischer Texte [From Constantine the Great to the Great Schism. Introduction to the study of sources of Byzantine theological texts] (Byzantine literature, Lecture course [Nr. 16274])