Dr. Ramona Mosse (extern)
Institut / Einrichtungen:
Senior Affiliate, metaLAB (at) FU Berlin in collaboration with metaLAB (at) Harvard
Dr. Ramona Mosse is a theatre scholar and dramaturg and currently Head of Theatre at the Zurich University of the Arts.Her current research focuses on the interaction between digital and environmental arts and she has published on digital theatre and intermedial performance practices, theatre ecologies, contemporary political performance, and modern tragedy in journals such as Theatre Journal, Anglia, Performance Philosophy Journal and Global Performance Studies. She is also co-editor of "Hybrid Futures: Theatre and Performance in the Post/Pandemic Anthropocene", a Special Issue of the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 19.1(2023) and of Erika Fischer-Lichte’s Routledge Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies (2014). She serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal for Performance Arts and Digital Media.Previously, Ramona has taught at Columbia University, Barnard College, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Freie Universität and Bard College Berlin and was Principal Investigator of the Volkswagen Foundation-funded research project Viral Theatres at the EXC 2020 Temporal Communities, Freie Universität Berlin.
Ramona is an Affiliate at the metalab@Harvard & FU Berlin, where she co-curates the Transmedia Arts Seminar Series with Magda Romanska. In addition, she is a co-coordinator with Nina Tecklenburg of the Open Society University Network’s Digital Theatre Collaborative Network Course that investigates digital and hybrid performance practices in a cooperation of six universities around the globe.Ramona holds a PhD in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University.
Her research interests include: Digital dramaturgies, intermediality and theatre, performance in the Anthropocene, political theatre 20th/21st centuries, modern tragedy, performance-as-research.