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Analogical Patterns in Inflectional Morphology (APIM 2022) [Online Workshop]

Organizer:  Sascha Gaglia (sascha.gaglia@fu-berlin.de), Freie Universität Berlin,       

                    Department of Romance Philology

 Date/Time: Thursday, April 14, 2022, 9.00-19.15h CET

The investigation of analogies constitutes a longstanding tradition in inflectional morphology. Contributions that treat analogies with respect to wider areas within an inflectional paradigm (and not only as proportions between single forms) were made early (see, among others, Kuryłowicz 1945-49, on levelling from Old to Middle French), but it was especially the focus on the morpho-syntactic paradigm as an object of theoretical linguistic research (see Carstairs 1987, among others) that intensified the research on different kind of patterns that serve as domains for analogical processes – see Blevins & Blevins (2009: 3), who define the paradigm as the “central locus of analogy in grammar”. Some of the major contributions that influenced, either directly or at least to a considerable extent, the field of analogical patterns are Bybee (1985), where they are treated from a frequencybased perspective, Aronoff’s seminal work on so-called ‘morphomes’ (see Aronoff 1994; see also Maiden 2018 on morphomes in Romance languages) and Stump (2001), where paradigmatic patterns are consistently formalized.
The workshop aims at bringing together morphologists working on analogical patterns and paradigms in inflectional morphology, taking into consideration different language areas and theoretical backgrounds, to discuss, among other aspects,

  • the temporal and structural dynamics of analogies within and between patterns, especially, but not exclusively, from a quantitative diachronic perspective
  • the circumstances that favour or disfavour analogies partaking in pattern formation, for example those contributing to a relative stability of certain patterns against analogy (see, for example, Esher 2016)
  • proposals on modelling analogical patterns, e.g. feature-based approaches, also including architectural paradigmatic issues as in Plank (2016) as well as frequency-based and computational approaches (etc.)
  • the predictability and learnability of analogical patterns (e.g. according to Albright 2009)
  • analogical, especially morphomic, patterns that are not restricted to Romance languages (e.g. Round 2015)
  • typological aspects in general

The workshop is part of a research grant offered by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) to Sascha Gaglia (Project title: “Temporal analysis and modelling of the paradigmatic extension of verbal roots in French and Italian”; Department of Romance Philology, Goettingen, 2017-2020): https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/572309.html.

Updated schedule

(Updated schedule as pdf, Abstracts as pdf)


Sascha Gaglia (FU Berlin)



Keynote: Frans Plank (Konstanz/Oxford):

The distribution of suppletive stems over inflectional paradigms


Florian Wandl (Zürich):

Beyond proportional analogy: the case of Slavic vĭsĭ ‘all’ and sicĭ ‘this, such’




Judith Meinschaefer (FU Berlin):

Analogical patterns in Romance stress assignment


Xavier Bach (Oxford):

Analogical extensions of suppletive stems in the verb ‘go’ in Gallo-Romance


Lunch break


Keynote: Louise Esher (CNRS LLACAN):

Analogy diagrams intricate inflectional relationships


Matías Guzmán Naranjo (Paris):

Analogical classification and the paradigm cell filling problem


Eugen Hill (Köln):

Contaminationis not the mechanism underlying morphological analogy. Evidence from dialects of Indo-European




Keynote: Erich Round (Queensland/MPI-SHH Jena/Surrey), Louise Esher (CNRS LLACAN), Sacha Beniamine (MPI-SHH Jena):

Evolving Morphomes


Bruno Olsson & Matthew Carroll (Australian National University):

Syntactically relevant morphology: The coastal Marind fourth gender


Borja Herce (Zürich):

The Romance S-morphome and the interaction of token frequency and predictive structure in the paradigm