Where does embodied cognition come from?
16912 - Hauptseminar für Studenten des MA Sprachwissenschaft und des MA Mind and Brain
Koordination: Friedemann Pulvermüller (FUB), Michael Pauen (HUB), Martin Fischer (PU)
Ort: Habelschwerdter Allee 45, Raum KL 32/202 (Übungsraum) Zeit: Mo-Fr 10-18 h Erster Termin: Planungssitzung am 12.5.2016, 18 hctVeranstaltungszeit: 25. - 29.7.2016 |
Platzbeschränkung: Nein Teilnahmepflicht: Ja SWS: 2 (Blockveranstaltung) |
Here you can download the program of the seminar.
Traditionally, philosophy, psychology, and linguistics used to focus on abstract descriptions when it comes to explain and understand cognition. In particular, the conceptual or semantic system has been framed in terms of a symbolic system in which meaning is defined in terms of abstract features or relationships between symbols. This view has been challenged in recent years both by philosophical arguments and empirical evidence showing that cognitive processes can only be understood if bodily processes are taken into account, that is, if meaning and concepts are ‘grounded’ in the world and in human actions and emotions. In particular, results from brain research have been interpreted to provide strong evidence that concepts are grounded and ‘embodied’. The current embodiment debate aims at an integrative account that tackles relevant philosophical issues and explains a broad range of psychological and neuroscience data.
The seminar will start with a discussion of the main philosophical issues. Afterwards, empirical papers from psychology, linguistics and neuroscience which fueled the embodied cognition debate will be read.
The course is offered jointly by the Universität Potsdam, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain and Freie Universität Berlin. It will be held by Martin Fischer, Michael Pauen and Friedemann Pulvermüller.
To obtain a certificate of attendance, it is necessary to
• attend most of the sessions (maximum misses: three),
• pre- and reprocess the session content by reading the recommended key papers, and
• present a key paper in embodiment debate
Presentations should last about 30’ and be supported by a powerpoint presentation and handouts to participants. If you are interested in presenting, please discuss your plan with FP directly (preferably during office hours, Wednesdays, 12-1pm, room JK 31/232).
To register for the lecture series, please put your name down on the signup sheet provided at the planning session (12.5.). We will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding this course, be it about formalities, your presentation or wider research interests.
For preparation:
Bergen, B. K. (2012). Louder than words: The new science of how the mind makes meaning: Basic Books.
Kiefer, M., & Pulvermüller, F. (2012). Conceptual representations in mind and brain: Theoretical developments, current evidence and future directions. Cortex, 48(7), 805-825.
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