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Guest lecture by Dr. Vadim Nikulin: Unifying evoked responses and oscillations in EEG/MEG research

27.11.2024, 16-18 c.t. I FU Berlin, Room JK 31/122 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)

News vom 20.11.2024

Dr. Vadim Nikulin (Max-Planck-Institute, Leipzig) will give a talk at FU Berlin.
The lecture will take place as part of the colloquium hosted by the Brain Language Laborateory.

Speaker: Dr. Vadim Nikulin (Max-Planck-Institute, Leipzig)
Title: Unifying evoked responses and oscillations in EEG/MEG research
Date: Wednesday, 27. November 2024
Time: 4 pm c.t.
Location: Room JK31/121, Freie Universität Berlin

Vadim Nikulin will talk about the idea, that certain event-related potentials (ERPs), such as the P300 response, can be partially generated through a mechanism involving the modulation of ongoing brain oscillations, particularly in the alpha frequency band (8–12 Hz). This concept is known as the baseline-shift mechanism (BSM).

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