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Scientific Talks by Anna-Thekla Jäger and Kubra Fatullayeva

Anna-Thekla Jäger and Kubra Fatullayeva are giving talks on Intensive Language Action Therapy (ILAT) as part of the Progress in Brain Language Research colloquium.
Time: 07.02.2024, 14-16 c.t. I Location: Online via Webex

News vom 31.01.2024

Anna-Thekla Jäger will give a talk regarding: “Reduced Long-Range Temporal Correlations in the BOLD signal reflect Language and Mood Improvements following intensive language action therapy (ILAT) in Aphasic Chronic Stroke Patients”.

Kubra Fatullayeva will give a project proposal regarding: “Short term structural plasticity following intensive language action therapy (ILAT)”

Date: Wednesday, 07.02.2024
Time: 14:15-15:45
Location: Online via Webex: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/friedemann.pulvermuller
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