Anna Vermeulen M.A. (extern)

Assoziierte wiss. Mitarbeiterin (extern) am Seminar für Musikwissenschaft
Anna Vermeulen is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Musicology, KU Leuven. She completed her master’s studies in musicology in 2020 at the KU Leuven, after studying art history, musicology and theatre studies at Ghent University. Throughout her studies she also fostered an interest in anthropology and globalization studies. Her master’s thesis (“The Radio Artist as Ethnographer: Sound and Postcolonial Knowledge in Gilles Aubry and Robert Millis' The Gramophone Effect (2017)”) was awarded the Hélène Nolthenius Prize by the Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands. A recipient of a DAAD-scholarship, she was a visiting scholar at Humboldt University Berlin (2020-21). As a music journalist and dramaturge she has published for the Belgian newspaper De Standaard as well as numerous concert halls and new music organizations.
She currently holds a doctoral fellowship from the Research Foundation – Flanders FWO (2021-25). Her PhD-project focuses on listening knowledge and the use of ethnographic and documentary sound practices in contemporary radio art. More broadly, she is interested in acousmatic composition and sound art in the 20th and 21st centuries, sound studies and postcolonial studies.
- Music and sound art of the 20th and 21st centuries
- Analysis of radiophonic and electroacoustic composition
- Intersections of sound media, documentary and ethnography
- Sound and knowledge, sound studies
- Post- and decolonial theory and music studies
Vermeulen, A. (2020). A Critical Discourse in Sounds: Terre Thaemlitz’s Trans-Sister Radio (2004). Musiktheorie. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 35 (2), 169-176. Open Access
Vermeulen, A. (2019). Terre Thaemlitz’ Trans-‐Sister Radio as a critical discourse in sounds. Presented at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, Paderborn/Detmold, 23 Sep 2019-26 Sep 2019