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Division of Film Studies

Students at the Institute

Students at the Institute

At the Division of Film Studies of Freie Universität Berlin you can study the Bachelor's program in Film Studies (B.A.) and the consecutive Master's program in Film Studies (M.A.).

The seminar is involved in various interdisciplinary research projects of the German Research Foundation (DFG), such as the Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe "Cinepoetics - Poetologien audiovisueller Bilder" and the Collaborative Research Center "Affective Societies" . It thus offers an outstanding research environment.

Film Studies deals with the history, aesthetics and theory of film and other audiovisual media as well as their conditions of creation and impact. It operates in an interdisciplinary field of intersection of the humanities and human sciences and deals with the interdependencies to different aesthetic (literature, theater, dance, music, painting and photography), cultural and social systems.

Subjects of Film Studies

Today, we encounter audiovisual content everywhere, on cinema screens as well as in public spaces or on smartphones and tablets. Whether one is concerned with questions of political or social life, art or entertainment - an understanding of culture and society therefore seems to presuppose an understanding of media modes of staging.

At the Seminar for Film Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, the four areas of film history, film analysis, film aesthetics and theory, and scientific practice and media culture are taught and researched. The focus is not only on the analysis, reflection, and historical and theoretical contextualization of cinematic poetics, modes of staging, dramaturgies, narrative modes, and spectator positions, but also on distribution channels, production techniques, modes of impact, and practices of appropriation of audiovisual media.

To the degree programs in Film Studies:

Events | Film Studies