What should I know before going?
Basically, you should study your two subjects abroad, possibly also LBW.
Please be sure to contact the module representative about all modules scheduled for the semester abroad in advance, having the course catalog of the intended university in hands to enable module representatives to advise you on the best courses to take for later recognition and the course work to be completed there.
After the module coordinators have advised you, fill out the Learning Agreement (only in German), which you will have signed by the ERASMUS representative of the institute responsible for the exchange program (in the Institute of Romance Philology this is currently Prof. Caspari). If necessary, have the ERASMUS representative of the institute of your other subject sign the Learning Agreement as well.
Please keep the original of your Learning Agreement and send one copy to the university abroad and one copy to the central ERASMUS office (Brümmerstr. 52).
If there are any changes during your study abroad, please contact the respective module representative by e-mail and, if necessary, send a modified Learning Agreement (form: Changes to original study program abroad) by fax to the ERASMUS representative of the institute (currently: 838 55854).