Research Assistant (m/f/d) Full-time employment limited to 3 years
Fixed-term (36 months), Salary Scale 13 TV-L FU
ID: WiMi_MatCo100_02-2022
Bewerbungsende: 18.04.2022 or until position is filled
The ERC Advanced Grant “Material Constraints Enabling Human Cognition (MatCo)” at the Freie Universität Berlin aims to build network models of the human brain that mimic neurocognitive processes involved in language, communication and cognition. A main strategy is to use neural network models constrained by neuroanatomical and neurophysiological features of the human brain in order to explain aspects of human cognition. To this end, neural network simulations are performed and evaluated in neurophysiological and neurometabolic experiments. This neurocomputational and experimental research targets novel explanations of human language and cognition on the basis of neurobiological principles.
In the project we are looking for a scientific researcher to test predictions of computer models of language and communication in neurophysiological and neuroimaging experiments.
More information can be found at:; in case of further questions, please contact
Areas of responsibility:
- Preparation, implementation and evaluation of fMRI, EEG and ECoG experiments using relevant analysis methods (representational similarity analysis, functional/effective connectivity, etc.).
Recruitment requirements:
- Completed scientific University degree and doctorate in a field relevant to the neuroscience of language (linguistics, psychology, computer science, neuroscience, medicine)
- Experience in empirical-experimental linguistic research
- Research experience in the areas of syntax, semantics or pragmatics
- Research experience with network simulations of cognitive processes
- Very good programming skills
- Very good knowledge of German and English (at least C1)
Weitere Informationen
Applications should be sent electronically by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Friedemann Pulvermüller, stating the identifier in PDF format (preferably as one document): or by post. In view of the occasion and for the period of emergency attendance at Freie Universität Berlin, we kindly ask you to apply electronically by e-mail. The processing of a postal application cannot be guaranteed.
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
AB Neurowissenschaft der Sprache und Pragmatik
Herrn Prof. Dr. Friedemann Pulvermüller
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
By submitting an online application, you as an applicant give your consent for your data to be electronically processed and stored. We would like to point out that if your application is sent electronically without protection, Freie Universität Berlin cannot guarantee the security of the personal data transmitted.