Dahlem Lectures On Linguistics, Prof. Dr. Thomas Herbst, Universität Erlangen
Title:"Do we, indeed, have the right to describe the the here as the definite article?"
Construction grammar - the end of traditional classification?
Presenter:Prof. Dr. Thomas Herbst, Universität Erlangen
Lehrstuhl für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik & Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Lexikografie, Valenz- und Kollokationsforschung
Abstract:This talk will be concerned with the problem of generaliizability in language. The starting point will be a critical discussion of Goldberg’s model of argument structure constructions and the issue of whether a formal valency specification for verbs is necessary or not. The main focus of the talk lies on investigating the issue of to what extent traditional categories can be useful in a construction grammar approach and I hope to demonstrate that some of them should be thrown overboard.
Zeit & Ort
12.05.2015 | 16:00 c.t.
JK 28/112