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Nina Tolksdorf

Tolksdorf, Nina


Unerhörtes Schreiben. Pantomime in der Literatur und im Film um 1900

[Stand 2019]

Her research focusses on digital constructions of authorship with a specific focus on the materiality of the digital and its rhetoric: On the one hand, hypertexts seem to be a realization of poststructuralist and deconstructive theories of authorship. On the other hand, contemporary literature is confronted with discourses that demand writers to be 'real' and 'authentic', by which they strengthen and reinvent concepts of authorship. For digital literature, one strategy to attest to its authenticity is by referring to the materiality of printed literature. Since questions of the materiality and the technology of writing are constitutive for the construction of authorship, the project analyses the rhetoric and visualization of these materialities in digital literature in order to re-evaluate the contradictory concepts of authorship.

Another research project, entitled Pantomime and/as Literature, examines pantomime in early 20th century literature and art and shows that pantomime plays a crucial role in revealing mimetic strategies and functions of texts, films, and graphics and displays the precarious nature of what it mimes. Because pantomime occupies a status between dancing, acting, and writing, it is not yet well established in literary criticism. However, precisely this peculiar position enables a fruitful dialogue between film, literary modernism, and performance studies that examine their mimetic strategies and, in turn, expose pantomimic features of language.

In her dissertation, Riskante Redlichkeit. Nietzsche – Kleist – Kafka, Nina Tolksdorf formulates a performative concept of Redlichkeit/sincerity. She discusses the possibilities to rethink concepts of sincerity, integrity, and authenticity with and after poststructuralist theories of language. The book, entitled Performativität und Rhetorik der Redlichkeit. Nietzsche – Kleist – Kafka – Lasker-Schüler, will be published in 2020.



[Stand 2019]


Tolksdorf, Nina 2020. Performativität und Rhetorik der Redlichkeit: Nietzsche – Kleist – Kafka – Lasker-Schüler. In: Hermaea. Neue Folge, Bd. 153. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110676587.


Tolksdorf, Nina 2014. „Zu den Figuren und Strukturen der Wiederholung in Nietzsches Also sprach Zarathustra“. In: Murat Ates (Hg.). Nietzsches Zarathustra Auslegen: Thesen, Positionen und Entfaltungen zu ‚Also sprach Zarathustra‘ von Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Marburg: Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag, S. 191–206.


Tolksdorf, Nina 2014. „Review of Nicholas D. More: Nietzsche’s Last Laugh. Ecce Homo as Satire“. In: MLN, 130 (3), S. 679–682. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/mln.2015.0036.


mit Anja Ketterl: „Vom Userchen und der Flexibilität der deutschen Sprache.“ Ein Beitrag zur inklusiven Sprache. Blogbeitrag auf Literaturwissenschaft in Berlin Juni 2018

mit Anna Beckmann, Vivien Bruns, Camilo Del Valle, Jennifer Gasch: Tagungsbericht: „Eskalation! Skandal in der Literatur und den Künsten“, Dezember 2019

Tagungsbericht: „Rhetoriken der Bewegung. Tanz–Pantomime–Akrobatik“, Dezember 2018

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