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Critical Dance Studies | Tanzwissenschaft

Harald Kreutzberg dances in the piece ‘The Dance of the Fools’, Berlin, 1927

Harald Kreutzberg dances in the piece ‘The Dance of the Fools’, Berlin, 1927

Critical Dance Studies at Freie Universität Berlin is an internationally respected program that brings together students from around the globe to study dance within one of the art form’s most important urban centers. The course deals with the history, aesthetics and theory of dance and also explores the methodological potential of corporeality and ephemerality. At heart, the master's degree program is a scholarly approach to dance. This means you will work with academic texts, develop approaches to writing about dance, as well as methods of movement and performance analysis. This theoretical focus is brought into exchange with accompanying practical modules. On the one hand, these modules deal with body techniques and artistic research, and on the other hand, they introduce working methods, curatorial questions, and dramaturgical approaches. 

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