I have found a topic and a supervisor – what do I do now?
You need to register the bachelor’s thesis at the Examinations Office. To do so, you need to fill out the registration form available at the Examinations Office (preferably via email at pruefungsbuero@geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de) and have it signed by both supervisors. Please submit the form to the Examinations Office, which will forward it to the Examination Board (when courses are in session, the Board meets every week; when courses are not in session, it meets approx. every two weeks). The Examination Board will confirm your registration in writing and inform you of the deadline to submit your thesis – this will be 10 weeks (2011 Degree Program and Examination Regulations) or 12 weeks (2022 Degree Program and Examination Regulations) after confirmation through the Board. The thesis then needs to be submitted at the Examinations Office no later than the deadline.