Musicology deals with the history, aesthetics and theory of music, with its conditions of origin and effect. Music is not only examined in its aesthetic dimension as an artifact. Rather, musicology also inquires into the values, forms of knowledge, and practices that underlie these aesthetic judgments, canon formation, and performance and listening conventions. Music emerges in a network of music-cultural action. These interweavings of promoting, composing, performing, recording, remembering, or canonizing are the subject of research and teaching at the FU. Musicology at the FU sees itself as an interface between musicology, theater, and cultural studies and includes music-historical and -theoretical research approaches as well as approaches of theater and cultural studies performance research and musicological and cultural studies research of sound studies. The subject area includes musical performances of all genres, first and foremost music theater, but also instrumental and vocal music, musical performances in other media contexts (radio, film, Internet, etc.) as well as all other sound cultures of modern, global society.
Currently, musicology courses can be taken within the BA/MA programs in Theater, Dance, Film, Cultural and Media Studies. The MA program Music, Sound, Performance is expected to start in WS 2023/24.
Further information can be found here.