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Division of Theater and Dance Studies

Office of Prof. Dr. Doris Kolesch (Theater Studies)

Tatjana Schwegler 

Tel.         (030) 838-577 74
Fax         (030) 838-4577 74
E-Mail     officeDK@theater.fu-berlin.de 

Office of Prof. Dr. Jan Lazardzig (Theater Studies)

Birte Durston

Tel.          (030) 838-503 10
Fax          (030) 838-4503 10
E-Mail      b.durston@fu-berlin.de

Office of Gastprof. Dr. Lucia Ruprecht (Dance Studies)

Simone Aubram

Tel.          (030) 838-70860
Fax          (030) 838-470860

E-Mail      simone.aubram@fu-berlin.de 

Office of Prof. Dr. Matthias Warstat (Theater Studies)

Dorith Budich 

Tel.           (030) 838-503 15
Fax           (030) 838-4503 15
E-Mail       theater@zedat.fu-berlin.de

All staff members at the Department of Theater and Dance Studies.