We mourn the death of Joachim Fiebach (1934-2023)
Honorary Professor Dr. Joachim Fiebach passed away on April 23, 2023.
News from Jun 07, 2023
Joachim Fiebach, who had been the formative research personality of the Institute of Theater Studies at Humboldt University zu Berlin for decades, taught and researched as an honorary professor at the Institute of Theater Studies at Freie Universität Berlin since 2006. He was an internationally renowned theater scholar whose groundbreaking contributions to theater in Africa and his understanding of theater studies as cultural and media studies earned him the greatest recognition and esteem. Prof. Fiebach was an alert observer and thinker who, with curiosity and impartiality, critically reflected on the numerous political and cultural upheavals he experienced in the span of his life with scientific precision and analytical accuracy.
With Prof. Fiebach, Freie Universität loses an outstanding scholar. The Institute of Theater Studies and the Department of Philosophy and Humanities lose a dear and highly esteemed colleague. Freie Universität Berlin is deeply indebted to him and will always honor his memory.
→ To the obituary for Prof. Dr. Joachim Fiebach by the Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft (GTW)