Škofjeloški pasijon and the (Central-)European tradition of passion plays. On the trail of a genre-specific intercultural net
The Škofja Loka Passion Play (orig. Škofjeloški pasijon) was written in 1725-27 by Capuchin friar Romuald. As one of the earliest existing dramatic texts written in Slovene, it is considered to be one of the highest achievements in Slovene Baroque literature, as well as the only fully preserved promptbook for passion plays of the European Baroque era. Škofjeloški pasijon had been investigated mainly in the context of Slovene Baroque literature: while isolated aspects of the text such as style, verse or issues concerning the dating of the manuscript have been highlighted, its impact within the (Central) European tradition of passion plays or of its literary models remained almost untouched. In order to understand the genesis of Škofjeloški pasijon, the vast genre-specific and dynamic intercultural net administered by the Catholic Church for centuries was to be reconstructed, which permitted new insights into the historical development of (Central) European passion plays.
In 2015, J. Drnovšek was part of the organizing committee of the DramaNet conference on Poetics and Politics. He also co-organized the History and Drama conference in October 2016.
Drnovšek, Jaša. 2016. Frühneuzeitliche Passionsprozessionsspiele als Projekt der katholischen Erneuerung, in Themes of Polemical Theology Across Early Modern Literary Genres, L. Nicholas, A. Riedl and S. Zavarský (eds.). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 323-335.
Drnovšek, Jaša. 2016. V negibnih stopinjah. Zgodnjenovoveške pasijonske procesijske igre, katoliška obnova in Škofjeloški pasijon, Pasijonski doneski 11: 87-102.
Drnovšek, J. 2017. Certa Mina Dant VICtorIas. Die Prozessionsspiele der Gegenreformation und der katholischen Reform zwischen Politik und Poetik. publisher tbc. forthcoming.