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„Environmental History of Byzantium“: Blockseminar in englischer Sprache

The aim of the course “Environmental history of Byzantium” is to introduce students to the central themes of medieval and modern environmental history and to the types of evidence that historians and scientists use to address the questions that arise. It will also serve as an introduction to a significant emerging cross-disciplinary field, that of “science and history”. Focusing on the Eastern Mediterranean world from Late Antiquity to the dawn of modernity, the course provide students with a thorough overview of the environmental problems of the Mediterranean world and will also have a strong methodological focus.



Dozent: Adam Izdebski

Titel: Environmental history of Byzantium

Veranstaltungsnummer: Seminar 16286

Ort: KL 29/137 Übungsraum; am Mittwoch, 21.06.17: KL 29/139

Zeiten: Mo, 19.06.2017 ∙ 13:00–17:00 Uhr s. t.

             Di, 20.06.2017 ∙ 13:00–17:00 Uhr s. t.

             Mi, 21.06.2017 ∙ 13:00–17:00 Uhr s. t.

             Do, 22.06.2017 ∙ 13:00–17:00 Uhr s. t.

             Fr, 23.06.2017 ∙ 13:00–17:00 Uhr s. t.



Kontakt: Adam Izdebski (bydgostiensis@gmail.com)