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Prof. Dr. Susanna de Beer (Rome / Leiden): The Renaissance battle for Rome

28.01.2025 | 18:00 c.t.
Renaissance battle-Flyer

Renaissance battle-Flyer


Prof. Dr. Susanna de Beer (Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome / Leiden

in dialogo con Prof. Dr. Bernhard Huss (Italienzentrum der Freien Universität Berlin), Prof. Dr. Melanie Möller (Freie Universität Berlin) und Prof. Dr. Bernd Roling (Freie Universität Berlin)

In lingua inglese

The Renaissance Battle for Rome examines the rhetorical battle fought simultaneously between a wide variety of parties (individuals, groups, authorities) seeking prestige or legitimacy through the legacy of ancient Rome.

Ancient Rome had a particular influence on power, morality, cityscape and literature in the Renaissance, which can be traced by means of a broad selection of humanist Latin poetry. 

The humanist poets negotiated different claims on behalf of others and themselves in their work, acting both as ‘spin doctors’ and as ‘new Romans’, while at the same time undermining competing claims to the same idealized past.

Susanna de Beer offers new insights into a broad understanding of Renaissance culture as a constant negotiation between appropriation and contestation of Rome. In doing so, she draws on current debates in intellectual and cultural history, classical reception studies, heritage studies and neo-Latin studies.

In cooperazione con l'Istituto di Filologia greca e latina della Freie Universität Berlin

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Zeit & Ort

28.01.2025 | 18:00 c.t.

Aula L 116 (Seminarzentrum),
Freie Universität Berlin,
Habelschwerdter Allee 45