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Didactic Arts

Museum of American Art

Museum of American Art
Bildquelle: Sven Spieker

Olof Olsson

Olof Olsson
Bildquelle: Sven Spieker

Bismarck & Ilic

Bismarck & Ilic
Bildquelle: Sven Spieker

Date: January/February 2015
Place: FU Berlin, Room JK 33/121
Conception: Prof. Dr. Sven Spieker (University California)
Picture gallery

Didactic art and literature aim to “instruct” rather than to be formally innovative or aesthetically pleasing, and as such they are the focus of this series of workshops and lectures. In the 20th century, didacticism — which has for centuries been a highly productive force in art and literature — had a bad reputation. It was, or is, associated with indoctrination and entrenched ideological beliefs, and with the instrumentalization of art and literature in ways that violate their autonomy. The seminar wants to explore an alternative take on the didactic, one in which instruction in art and literature – or, rather, instruction as art or literature – is associated not with indoctrination but with the open production of knowledge, with dialogue, and with different forms of demonstration.


Monday, 12th January 2015

13.30-15.00:    Introduction/Vorbesprechung

16.00-18.00:    Introduction to the Museum of American Art

Friday, 16th January 2015, 16.00-18.00

Workshop: David Riff (Berlin/Moskau)

Monday, 19th January 2015, 16.00-18.00

Artist Performance/Discussion: Olof Olsson (Copenhagen)

Monday, 26th January2015, 16.00-18.00

Artist Performance/Discussion: Vadim Zakharov (Berlin)

Monday, 2nd February 2015, 16.00-18.00

Workshop: Béatrice von Bismarck (Leipzig); WHW (Berlin/Zagreb)

Monday, 9th February 2015, 16.00-18.00

Workshop: Georg Witte (Berlin)

Wednesday, 18th February 2015, 16.00-18.00

Artist Performance/Discussion: Mario Asef (Berlin)

Monday, 23rd February 2015, 16.00-18.00

Artist Performance/Discussion: Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck (Berlin)

Wednesday, 25th February 2015, 16.00-18.00

Workshop: Jelena Vesić (Belgrade)

Zur Website Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften
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Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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