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Förderung von Postdocs in einer frühen Postdoc-Phase

News vom 23.03.2023

26.04.2023 Kick-Off Meeting

Die Berlin University Alliance hat mit der Postdoc Academy ein Pilotvorhaben gestartet, das insbesondere Postdocs in einer frühen Postdoc-Phase in ihrer Karriere unterstützen möchte. Die Postdoc Academy möchten wir mit einem feierlichen Akt am 26. April eröffnen und dazu BUA-Postdocs einladen. Da unsere Möglichkeiten zur direkten Ansprache aktuell noch eingeschränkt sind, wäre es toll, wenn Sie die Einladung intern weiterleiten würden. Auf der Homepage der Postdoc Academy selbst haben Postdocs die Möglichkeit, sich für eine Mailingliste zu registrieren.

Join your fellow postdocs from across the BUA partner universities for the Postdoc Academy Kick-Off Event on April 26th at the ‘Festsaal’ of Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56. You can find the program here.

The Postdoc Academy is designed to support you in your career development, particularly if you are in the first years of your postdoc, and to connect you with fellow postdocs in the Berlin research community. This day will be dedicated to the subject 'Postdocs and Careers' and will also provide a valuable opportunity for all BUA postdocs to connect with one another and interact with our inspiring guests. In addition, we will provide you with a glimpse into the future of the Postdoc Academy and show how you can profit from this program.

We understand that as a Postdoc your time is precious and that you have many projects to juggle. Hence, we strive to deliver value for your time and energy. The Postdoc Academy is tailored to your needs and we strongly encourage you to make suggestions to help further its development.


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