Barbara Schirakowski

Sprachwissenschaft Spanisch, Französisch
Room JK 30/234
14195 Berlin
Office hours
in the winter semester of 2019/20: friday, 11-12
For an appointment during the office hour, please send me an email one day in advance.
Current Responsibilities
- Mitglied der Ausbildungskommission im Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften:
since 10/2017 | Post-doc, Romance linguistics |
11/2016 | PhD in Romance linguistics, title of the dissertation: Nominalisierte Infinitive im Spanischen: Eine empirische Untersuchung anhand von Akzeptabilitätstests |
02-04/2015 | research stay at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (funded by a DAAD-scholarship) |
2011-2017 | researcher and lecturer, Romance linguistics, Freie Universität Berlin |
2010-2011 | reseacher and lecturer, Romance linguistics, Universität Würzburg |
2008-2010 | student assistant, Romance linguistics, Universität Würzburg |
2005-2010 | studies of Spanish and English linguistics and literature (MA major: Spanish linguistics), Universität Würzburg |
(absence: 05/2018-04/2019 parental leave) |
Courses taught in the winter semester of 2019/20:
- Empirical methods in linguistics (BA Language & Society)
- Romance-germanic language contact
Courses taught in previous semesters (at FU):
- Language contact and multilingualism in Romance (winter 2017/18)
- Tense and aspect in French and Spanish (winter 2016/17)
- French phonetics and phonology (winter 2014/15, 2015/16, summer 2019)
- French morphology (winter 2013/14)
- Aspect in Spanish (winter 2012/13)
- Semantics in Spanish (summer 2012)
- Introduction to linguistics (BA Language & Society, winter 2017/18)
- Introduction to French linguistics (winter 2011/2012, summer 2013, 2014, 2015, 2019)
Current project: Manner and result in the French VP. The influence of language contact on lexicalization patterns
Research interests:
- lexical semantics (verb semantics)
- derivational morphology (nominalizations)
- semantics-syntax interface (argument structure, argument alternations)
- language contact (Romance-Germanic, loan verbs)
- empirical methods (experimental approaches)
Die klitische Verdoppelung des indirekten Objekts im Spanischen. Eine kontrastive Untersuchung anhand von Bibelübersetzungen (unpublished MA thesis, Universität Würzburg)
Schirakowski, Barbara (in preparation). What constrains the formation of Spanish nominalized infinitives? A case study on transitive base verbs and event interpretations. In Marc‐Olivier Hinzelin, Natascha Pomino & Eva‐Maria (eds.), Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax: Linking Variation to Theory. Berlin & New York: de Gruyter.
Meinschaefer, Judith & Barbara Schirakowski (to appear). "La Morfología". In: Eva Martha Eckkrammer (Ed.). El español en América (Manuals of Romance Linguistics). Berlin: de Gruyter. 31 pp.
Schirakowski, Barbara (2017). "Methodological challenges in investigating nominalized infinitives in Spanish", in: Antonis Botinis (Ed.): Proceedings ExLing 2017: 8th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, 19-22 June 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 101-104.
Hentschel, Barbara (2013). "La duplicación pronominal del objeto indirecto en español. Un estudio de corpus sobre variables referenciales y sintácticas", in: Romanische Forschungen 125.3, 313-330.
2014. Lembeck, Felicia & Barbara Schirakowski. Rezension zu Platz-Schliebs, Anja et al. (2012). Einführung in die Romanische Sprachwissenschaft. Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch. Tübingen: Narr, in: Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 124.1, 96-100.
2018: Warum spanische nominalisierte Infinitive eher wie Verben sind und was sie von Derivativnominalisierungen unterscheidet. Kolloquium Romanistische Linguistik, 07.02.2018, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
2017: Argumentrealisierung von Infinitivnominalisierungen im Spanischen. XXXV. Romanistentag, 08.-12.10.2017, Zürich.
2017. Methodological challenges in investigating Spanish nominalized infinitives: A view from acceptability judgments experiments. ExLing 2017. 8th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, 19-22 June 2017, Heraklion, Crete.
2016: Graded acceptability of nominal infinitives in Spanish. Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznań 2016: Methodological challenges in linguistic research, 25.-27.11.2016, Poznań.
2015: Event-denoting nominalized infinitives in Spanish. JENom6 – 6th Workshop on Nominalizations, 30.06.-01.07.2015, Verona.
2014: Nominal infinitives in Spanish: Results of an acceptability judgment test on verb classes and event readings. Semantics of derivational morphology: Empirical evidence and theoretical modeling, 30.06.-01.07.2014, Heinreich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
2014: Nominale Infinitive im Spanischen: Ergebnisse einer Akzeptabilitätsstudie zu (In-)Transitivität und Ereignisreferenz. Limes X, 02.-04.04.2014, LMU München.
2013: Spanische Determinierer+Infinitiv-Konstruktionen: (In)-Transitivität und Referenz von nominalen Infinitiven. XXXIII. Romanistentag, 22.-25.09.2013, Würzburg.
2011: Clitic doubling of Spanish indirect objects. A corpus study on the effects of referential and syntactic variables. Workshop on referential hierarchies in three-participant constructions, 20.-22. Mai 2011, Lancaster.