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Dr. Manolis Ulbricht


Research Colloquia

This website and its subwebsites are updated until April 2022. For the current website since October 2022, please refer to the website at the University of Göttingen and for the time between May – October 2022 to the website at LMU Munich.
Invitations to Research Colloquia at other Institutions
  • Berlin – Freie Universität Berlin: Anneliese Maier Research Colloquium, Organized by:  Prof. Dr. Glenn Most (22/04/2021), Title: “Possibilities for an online synoptical edition of Christian translations of the Qur’an”

  • Munich – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität: Byzantinistisch-medizinhistorisches DoktorandInnen- und Forschungskolloquium, Organized by: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Berger (25/01/2021), Title: “Corpus Coranicum Christianum. Präsentation einer Projektskizze mit Diskussion” [“Corpus Coranicum Christianum. Presentation of a project outline with discussion”]

  • Berlin – Forschungscolloquium Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Organized by: Prof. Dr. Sonja Brentjes (20.02.2015), Titel: “Vaticanus Graecus. The Greek Translation of the Qur’an”

  • Mainz– Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz: Historisches Seminar, Oberseminar Byzantinistik, Organized by: Prof. Dr. J. Pahlitzsch (11/06/2013), Title: “Vom Kamelhirten und wahren Verkünder. Niketas von Byzanz (9. Jh.) und seine Polemik gegen den Islam (Vat. gr. 681)” [“Of the camel herder and true prophet. Niketas of Byzantium (9th century) and his polemics against Islam (Vat. gr. 681)”] [canceled due to flooding]


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