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Guaraní & Spanish

The Tupí-Guaraní language Guaraní (code: gug) is the indigenous language of the Americas with the second largest number of speakers. Guaraní was the language of the Jesuit reductions in what is today Paraguay and Lengua General until the late 19th century.

About 6.5 million people speak Guaraní as their first language, mainly in Paraguay, but also in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay. Many of them do not perceive themselves as 'indigenous'. Many speakers grew up bilingually with Spanish or Portuguese, which they intertwine so naturally with Guaraní in their everyday communication that this form of bilingual competence has been given its own name in Paraguay: Jopará (guar. for 'mixture'). The transitions between Guaraní mbya on the one hand and Spanish on the other are often understood as fluid, and Jopará is probably best understood as a transition zone of different aggregate states of the merging of two linguistic traditions.

Guaraní is the subject of numerous publications, a good overview is provided by

Estigarrabia, Bruno & Justin Pinta (eds.). 2017. Guarani Linguistics in the 21st Century. Leiden: Brill.

Colaborators Guaraní and Spanisch in Asunción

Academic direction Local cooperation (Asunción) Transcription and translation Guaraní (Asunción) Glosses Guaraní (Asunción) Transcription and translation Spanish & English (Berlin)

Uli Reich

Hedy Penner

Élodie Blestel

Hedy Penner

María Concepción Acosta Martínez

María Cecilia Vera

Hedy Penner

Irene E. Serna Lehmann


In August 2019, we recorded 12 speakers from Asunción using the described methodology. These are urban Guaraní and Spanish from Paraguay. In the following table you will find an overview of the published corpora. Clicking on the name of the corpus will take you directly to the corresponding page in the FU repository, where you can download the files for each experiment individually. Click here for an overview of the Guaraní glosses.

Note: the ELAN files must be associated with the corresponding audio file. For this, please download the WAV file of the same name in advance.




Experiment types





Reich, Uli

Hedy Penner

Cuento / Story (7x)

Memoria (7x)

Maptask (5x)

Quién / Who (6x)


How to cite: Reich, Uli, Élodie Blestel & Hedy Penner. 2023. Corpora of American languages: Interactive language games from multilingual Latin America (Guaraní). Berlin: Freie Universität. http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-39055




Reich, Uli

Hedy Penner

Cuento / Story (6x)

Memoria (6x)

Maptask (6x)

Quién / Who (6x)


How to cite: Reich, Uli, Élodie Blestel & Hedy Penner. 2023. Corpora of American languages: Interactive language games from multilingual Latin America (Spanish from Asunción). Berlin: Freie Universität. http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-39296