Dr. Manolis Ulbricht
This website and its subwebsites are updated until April 2022. For the current website since October 2022, please refer to the website at the University of Göttingen and for the time between May – October 2022 to the website at LMU Munich.
Project Management
- E-Learning Project “Methods for Digital Indexing and Compiling Digital Editions in the Philology of the Christian Orient: from Digitizations of Handwritten Text to a Digital Edition (</xml>)”, (FU Berlin) (2019–2022) [Project Proposal]
- Cooperation with the Subproject “Exploring Data Literacy” in the Project “LEON – Learning Environments Online” funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, 2nd Funding Period, 2017–2020) of the Center für Digitale Systeme (CeDiS) [Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS)]/ FU Berlin with own activities in the area of Philology and Digital Humanities (2019–2020)
- Teaching Project “Digitizing Philology – The Corpus Coranicum Christianum”, FU Berlin (2017) [Project Proposal]
Project Coordination
- Third Party Funding Project “Aristotle’s Poetics in the West (of India). A Multilingual Edition with Studies of the Cultural Contexts of the Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin Translations”, FU Berlin/ Einstein Stiftung (2016–2019)