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Structured doctoral studies

Doctoral studies program at Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School

Our structured doctoral studies at FSGS include certain obligations and a need to earn credits. However, this opens up opportunities that – in the case of an individual doctorate – would only be available with higher administrative expenses and a good network. This includes integrated visits abroad, organizing your own workshops or teaching events, inviting guest speakers, and being able to attend training workshops for transferable skills or career-specific mentoring.

First statistics prove that those who participate in structured doctoral studies do not take longer for their dissertation than those choosing the traditional path of an individual dissertation. To the contrary – in many cases, the dissertation can be completed successfully after three and a half years. The interdisciplinary input and opportunities for discussion impart the necessary self-confidence to finish the project quickly. Practice-oriented workshops help clarify future perspectives, and examples of predecessors alleviate the fear of starting a career.

Our structure overview of the doctoral studies program shows you how many credits you need to earn in the different areas (writing the dissertation, seminars, transferable skills workshops, colloquia). A transfer of credits from one area to another is not possible.

The individual development of the dissertation is by far the most comprehensive area. The dissertation in literary studies at FSGS is and remains a qualifying work with which you prove that you can develop acacemic work independently and responsibly.

A residence obligation applies while writing your dissertation, i.e. you have to live in Berlin to guarantee the guidance through your supervisor team.

Seminars about methodology and literary theory are offered every semester. You will have to attend at least one of three mandatory seminars at FSGS. Seminars you attend at institutes of the Freie Universität Berlin or the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin are accepted, as well as seminars you attend during your visit abroad at your guest university. Crucial for their acceptance are the number of semester hours, regular attendance, and the thematical focus (literary theory and methodology). Please fill out the confirmation of attendance form [PDF] in advance and have it signed by the respective professor at the end of the semester. After submitting these forms to FSGS along with your annual work report, the administrative office will take care of the acceptance.

For transferable skills you may use the various workshops offered at Dahlem Research School as well as Humboldt Graduate School or Berlin University Alliance. 1 credit point must be obtained in the field of “Good Academic Practice”. The other points you can obtain through individually arranged events. Each workshop day counts for 0.5 credits. Please make sure to keep your own list of workshops attended and indicate these in your yearly work report. Classes you teach (5 credits) or events you organize will also be credited to the area of transferable skills. For the latter, please make an appointment with the managing director.

Colloquia at FSGS are mandatory and may not be substituted by other events. They are offered during the winter semesters and lead by FSGS PIs. Your supervisor is invited to the session during which you present your own work and you are welcome to invite further guest with whom you want to discuss your dissertation project.

The schematic course of studies [PDF] can help you plan your doctoral studies, but it is not compulsory. We are more than happy to advise you on how to plan your doctoral studies in a way that is optimal for your dissertation and career planning.

The final phase of your doctoral studies includes the submission of the dissertation, the disputation, and the publication of the dissertation.

Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft