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What do I have to do if I want to apply for a higher semester?

Before applying, it is generally advisable to contact one of the professors on your study programme with an overview of your previous achievements (e.g. transcript from your previous university) in order to obtain an assessment of which semester you can apply for. A written assessment will be issued, which you can enclose with your application. However, this assessment can also be submitted at a later date; you would then initially be admitted to the relevant semester with reservations. For the Bachelor’s programme, you can apply for the 2nd, 4th and 6th semesters in the summer semester and for the 3rd and 5th semesters in the winter semester. Please note that your application for a higher semester should be realistic; if you do not receive the appropriate placement, you may lose your place. Crucial for the placement is the number of credit points earned in the subject as well as a thematic/scientific correspondence or equivalence of your study and examination achievements with the modules in the degree program at the FU Berlin.

Once you have successfully enrolled (i.e. once you have received a matriculation number), the second step is to have your credits and grades recognised. To do this, you have to contact the person, who issued the assessment, again. The recommendation for recognition is then usually forwarded directly to the Examinations Office, where the recognised achievements are entered into your Campus Management