How do I register my Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis?
You can find the registration forms on this website:
Fill in your data and the topic agreed upon with your supervisors, and sign the form. Ask your primary supervisor and your second examiner to sign the form as well. (Electronic signatures are accepted.)
Only professors in the respective study program are authorized to supervise. Generally, you choose your primary supervisor yourself (usually someone you have studied with and who is relevant to your topic). The topic is agreed upon with your primary supervisor. In exceptional cases, doctoral research associates from the department can take over the second examination. In this case, this person must submit a request for examination authorization. Please note that research associates are not obligated to evaluate theses.
The topic of the thesis can be the final title or a working title that can be specified or slightly modified in the final version. In this case, the originally registered topic must also be mentioned on the title page of the thesis. Please note that only the registered topic will appear on your certificate.
To register for the Bachelor’s thesis (English Philology), you must have completed modules totaling at least 90 credit points in the Bachelor’s program. To register for the Master’s thesis (in the English Studies program), you must have completed at least two subject-specific and one practical language module.
Submit the completed form to Ms. Monika Cheng in the examination office (Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, JK 29/105; email:; website:
You will usually receive confirmation of your registration within a few days; from this day, the processing time begins (8 weeks for the BA thesis, 23 weeks for the MA thesis). The confirmation will include the submission date, as well as instructions for submitting the thesis, designing the title page, and the declaration of independence that you must attach to your thesis.
The review period is four weeks. Once both evaluations are available, you will be informed by the examination office. There is no defence of the thesis.
Study Office for BA in the Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Examination Office I (Master’s Program in Applied Literary Studies)
Examination Office II (Bachelor English Philology, Master English Studies, Teaching Master’s Program, Magister English Philology)