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Li Ding




Didaktik des Englischen


Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Room JK 29/244
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 464065

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From 2023

Research Associate in English Didactics Department, FU Berlin

From 2022

Guest lecturer in English Didactics Department, Göttingen University

From 2020

PhD Candidate in English Didactics Department, Göttingen University

From 2015

Drama and English Curriculum developer, practitioner, and teacher trainer, Beijing, China


Master of Arts in Drama Education and English Language Teaching, Warwick University, UK


  • DGFF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung)
  • IDEA 2024 Chinese Advisory Committee ( International Drama/Theatre and Education Association)

My research focuses on the application of drama in English language education, particularly its impact on language and literacy development, the implications for teacher education, and its ongoing development in a globalised, digital era. For my PhD, I am investigating how young ESL learners’ drama experiences shape their writing process and performance in the Chinese context. My current research project examines how German teenagers respond to the integration of drama and digital tools in English lessons.

Translations English-Chinese


A History of CHILDRENS BOOKS in 100 books, Academic read on children’s literature (2020). ISBN: 9787559639981 (Co-translator)


If I Had A Gryphon, Picture Book, ISBN: 9787559629029


Tides: The Science and Spirit of the Ocean, Science Travelogue Read, ISBN: 9787559610287


Sex on the Moon – the Amazing Story behind the Most Audacious Heist in History, Novel, ISBN: 9787512613904


Ding, Li. "Integrating Drama and AI for Teaching Picturebooks in ELT." Childrens Literature in English Language Education, 12, no.1(2024): 97-114.


Ding, Li. "Emotions, attributions, and identity change when teachers learn drama pedagogy for ELT." Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 28, no. 4 (2023): 597-612.

Ding, Li. "The form and meaning. When English language teachers learn to teach through drama." Scenario: A Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research 16, no. 2 (2022): 121-136.


Ding, Li. “A Reflective Case Study On Effective English Speaking Through Process Drama.” The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 7, no.1, (2017).


[Conference] PhD paper presentation. The many voices of young ESL writers composing in drama. 3rd International Scenario Conference 2024, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.


[Conference] PhD paper presentation. Read stories through drama to write: How ESL learners make sense of story drama experience and transform it into writing? Drama in Education Days (DiE Days) Conference 2022 at Kempten University.


[Conference] Keynote speaker. The evolving concept and practice - DiE in the 21st century of China. The Japanese Forum of the Development and Future of Performative Teaching.