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Public Lecture

Kathrin Passig.

Kathrin Passig.
Image Credit: Norman Posselt  www.normanposselt.com

Kathrin Passig

The Trouble with Talking

22 March 2018

ICI Berlin

In English





I often hear (and more often, read) that many conflicts on “the internet” are due to misunderstandings that arise from written communication. There is an implicit or explicit assumption that these misunderstandings could have been avoided simply by talking face-to-face, that oral communication has already been thoroughly optimized by evolution and everything else must be a step backwards. For some years I’ve been replying to these claims “I’m not so sure that’s true.” In this talk I will try to muster some actual arguments. I guess it would be easier (and less prone to misunderstandings) for me to write them down and for you to read them, but since the first will not happen unless I give this talk and the latter is highly unlikely for the usual reasons, we’ll have to make do with the spoken word.


Kathrin Passig is a Berlin-based writer. She runs a shop for randomly generated unique T-shirts, zufallsshirt.de and, together with several hundred co-authors, the blog "Technik-tagebuch" (techniktagebuch.tumblr.com). Recent publications: "Standardsituationen der Technologiekritik" (essays, Suhrkamp 2013), "Weniger schlecht programmieren" (on how to suck less at programming, O'Reilly 2013, with Johannes Jander), and "Die Gegenwart ist schon da,sie ist nur ungleichmäßig verteilt" (Techniktagebuch ebook, 2018).

More info (in German): kathrin.passig.de / @kathrinpassig on Twitter