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Turn On. Turn Off. Über den Wandel von Paradigmen in den Künsten und Wissenschaften


 A lecture of the International Research Training Group InterArt at the Institut für Theaterwissenschaft of Freie Universität Berlin

Conception: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Erika Fischer-Lichte, Dr. Andreas Wolfsteiner, Jürgen Bohm, Andrea Sakoparnig


During the last 60 years, fundamental changes of paradigms have taken place in political, social and technological contexts. In the course of these changes, academia and knowledge culture have fundamentally been transformed, too. Especially in the arts and the art-linked sciences, one turn is followed by another: abstract, concrete, performative or spatial, interactive or multimedia – paradigmatic demarcations are formed and unformed every time anew. The art theories created in order to explain new art phenomena lose their validity as quick as they have been established. Yet, which relevance is nowadays contained by the term of `paradigm`? How is the term distinguished in art theory and practice? Is there interplay to paradigmatic structures in culture, society and university? The lecture series approaches those central issues multiperspectively: It shall be theoretically elucidated which kind of paradigms exist in esthetics and art philosophy. Each art theory reflects its relation to precise, singular phenomena in its academic constitution, whereas inquiries of historically based paradigms often reveal breakages. On the other hand, we aim for a discussion which is oriented on singular art phenomena. This discussion will be centered on the question, which critical potential is included in arts and humanities in past and present days.


Thursday (except Mai 24), 6 – 8 pm, Start: April 12th 2012

In the lecture hall of the Institut für Theaterwissenschaft,

Grunewaldstraße 35, 12165 Berlin-Steglitz




April 12 - 2012      Prof. Dr. Dieter Mersch

                        Universität Potsdam

                        Paradigmata: Kunst als Erkenntnis


April 14 - 2012      Prof. Dr. Christiane Voss

                        Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

                        Zum Paradigma des Humorvollen anhand von Situationskomik


April 26 - 2012      Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck

                        Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig

                        Beziehungsspiel: Das Kuratorische und die Kunst


May 3rd - 2012      Prof. Dr. Steffen Siegel

                        Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (derzeit Universität zu Köln)

                        Paradigma Fotografie oder: Wie schreibt man Fotografie-  Geschichte?


May 10 - 2012      Prof. Dr. Renate Schlesier

                        Freie Universität Berlin

                        Goldene Aphrodite. Zu einem Paradigma der antiken Literatur


May 17 - 2012        Christi Himmelfahrt


May 22 - 2012      Prof. Oswald Egger & Dr. des. Martin Endres

                            Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel/Freie Universität Berlin

                            Nach dem Muster


May 31 - 2012      Dr. Anna Echterhölter & Dr. Andreas Wolfsteiner

                            Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/Freie Universität Berlin

                            Spuren – Szenarien. Zum Gebrauch der Perspektive in Denkstilen


Juni 7 - 2012      Prof. Dr. Frederik Tygstrup

                           Universität Kopenhagen

                           On Practice Based Research – A New Paradigm of Knowledge

                           Production in the Humanities


June 14 - 2012      Prof. Dr. Michael Lüthy

                          Freie Universität Berlin

                          Paradigmatische Praxis zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft: Tomás Saraceno


June 21 – 23 2012

                        Annual conference of the International Research Training Group InterArt at

                        Freie Universität Berlin Trial and Error. Szenarien medialen Handelns


June 28 - 2012  Prof. Dr. Gertrud Koch

                          Freie Universität Berlin

                          Paradigmen und Paragone: Lassen sich Künste als Paradigmen verstehen?


July 5 - 2012      PD Dr. Gunnar Hindrichs

                          University of Pennsylvania

                          Das Paradigma des musikalischen Kunstwerks


July 12 - 2012     Panel discussion

                          Über das Ein-/Aus-/Umsetzen von Paradigmen im Theater

                          Mit Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Erika Fischer-Lichte, Dr. Frank Raddatz

                          und Tom Stromberg

                          Moderation: Dr. Christel Weiler

The closing lecture takes place in Roter Salon der Volksbühne Berlin, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 1, 10178 Berlin.


You download the lecture program here.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft