Dr. Natascha Siouzouli

Dr. Natascha Siouzouli studied Theatre, Literature, and Art History in Athens, Greece. She completed her Ph.D. in Berlin, Germany, under the supervision of Erika Fischer-Lichte.She worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Theatre Studies of the Freie Universität Berlin from 2006 to 2010 and was a research fellow at the International Research Centre Interweaving Performance Cultures from 2010 to 2012. She is a co-founder of the Institute of Live Arts Research Π in Athens, Greece. She also works as a translator.
Natascha Siouzouli’s contributions to the blog.
Recent publications
- Theater als Intervention. Politiken ästhetischer Praxis, together with Julius Heinicke, Joy Kirstin Kalu, Janina Möbius and Matthias Warstat, Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2015.
- “The Art of Lawlessness” (with the Institute for Live Arts Research and Eva Fotiadi), in: Performance Research 19.6 “On Rupture”, photo essay, 78-80. December 2014.
- “Theorie und Theater: Eine melancholische Beziehung. Am Beispiel von Performances der Gruppe NOVA MELANCHOLIA” (Theory and Theatre: A Melancholic Relationship. The Example of Performances by NOVA MELANCHOLIA), in: Mascha Vollhardt et al. (eds.): Theorie und Theater – Zum Verhältnis von wissenschaftlichem Diskurs und theatraler Praxis (Theory and Theatre), 139-151. Heidelberg: Springer VS, 2014.
- “Precarious Presensce in Contemporary Theatre”, in: Sidney R. Homan JR. (ed.): The Audience as Player: Interactive Theatre over the Years (COMPARATIVE DRAMA Special Issue, Vol. 48), 93-102. Western Michigan University, Spring/ Summer 2014, No. 1, 2.
- “Un/familiar Landscapes: Tragedy and Festivals”, in: Erika Fischer-Lichte et al. (eds.): The Politics of Interweaving Performance Cultures. Beyond Postcolonialism, 138-155. New York: Routledge, 2014.
Adam Czirak, Vassilis Noulas, Natascha Siouzouli (eds.): Μελαγχολία και Πολιτική/ Melancholy and Politics, Athens: Institute for Live Arts Research |Π|, November 2013. - “Die Spaltung im Blick. Krise und ihre Aufhebung in der Arbeit Laurent Chétouanes” (Gaze-Split. Crisis and Sublation in Laurent Chétouane’s Work), in: Ulrike Josephine Fenger, Johannes Birringer (eds.): Tanz & WahnSinn (Dance and Choreomania), 211-222. Leipzig: Henschel, 2011.
- “I paradosi tou Festival Epidaurou: I sigenies me ta festival tou Bayreuth kai tou Salzburg” (The Tradition of the Epidauros Festival: Affinities with the Festivals of Bayreuth and Salzburg), in: Konstantina Georgiadh, Antonis Glytzouris (eds.): Paradosi kai eksigxronismos sto neoelliniko theatro: apo tis aparches os tin metapolemiki epochi (Tradition and Innovation in Greek Theatre), 449-455. Rethymno: Panepistimiakes Ekdosis Kritis, 2010.
- “Sakralität und Sakralisierung im Kontext europäischer Theaterfestivals” (Sacrality and Sacralization in European Theatre Festivals), in: Erika Fischer-Lichte, Matthias Warstat (eds.): Staging Festivity. Theater und Fest in Europa, 89-101. Tübingen: Narr/ Francke, 2009.
- Natascha Siouzouli, theatre, philosophy, art history, Athens, Greece, Berlin, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Institute for Live Arts Research