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Ausgewählte Hausarbeiten von Studierenden der Didaktik des Englischen


Bilingual classes for all or for a selected few? CLIL with less privileged students

Claudia Zink, 2016

While German CLIL programmes tend to be rather selective, they have been expanded to less privileged types of schools on an experimental basis. The paper addresses the question under which conditions German CLIL programmes can be beneficial for students with a limited proficiency in the working language. It draws both on arguments from the theoretical literature and on empirical evidence and establishes possible supportive conditions which could be tested in further research.

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Humor in EFL Classrooms

Rebekka Krause, 2015

This term paper is concerned with the use of humour as a pedagogical tool in the context of foreign language teaching. More precisely, it tries to give an overview of the main reasons for employing humour in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom and it also attempts to determine which types of humour are suitable in educational settings, i.e. have the potential to initiate, maintain, and enhance learnerinterest and contribute to a positive classroom atmosphere which is beneficial to learning.

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Über den Einsatz der Erstsprache im bilingualen Sachfachunterricht

Meike Kirch, 2015

Der bilinguale Sachfachunterricht ist ein in deutschen Schulen mittlerweile weitverbreitetes und erfolgreiches Konzept. Der Einsatz der Erstsprache wird jedoch seit anbeginn kritisch diskutiert, da die Nutzung als Anzeichen für Unsicherheiten in der fremd-sprachlichen Kompetenz gesehen wird. Diese Arbeit führt Gründe für die planvolle Mitbenutzung der Erstsprache an und stellt beispielhaft praktische Methoden für das Sachfach Biologie vor.

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Puberty as a Critical Period in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Fabian T. Gringmuth-Dallmer, 2015

Past studies generally show a negative correlation between age of acquisition and ultimate mastery of EFL. Puberty, in particular, appears to be a crucial time of lessening competence gain. Whereas past research referred to puberty as a period of time rather than a phase of crucial change, this paper aims at investigating these developments and link them to language learning.

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Priming Effect and Language Learning

Christiane Klempin, 2012 

This paper illuminates the mechanisms of priming as an associative activation mechanism of semantically related memory contents. Additionally, it demonstrates the enormous potential of priming for the teaching of foreign languages.

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Help Yourself with Action Research

Stephan Kampa, 2012

The paper provides an overview of how to change one's lesson practice with the help of a scientific method called Action Research. Theoretical aspects of this will be linked to a practical example tackling a novice's problem, that is: How do I know the right balance between teacher and student talking time?

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Basic features of internal differentiation and selected methods for the English language classroom

Anne-Maria Nützler, 2012 

Internal differentiation and how to execute it satisfactorily is an ongoing topic in classrooms. This paper introduces the subject matter and develops the conviction that heterogeneity within a class has to be conceived as a chance rather than an obstacle. Applying the gained awareness, the paper then takes a specific look at the English language classroom. 

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