Toni Bernhart

Toni Bernhart

Toni Bernhart, born in 1971 in Meran (Italy), studied German literature, theatre history, and geography at the University of Vienna, and completed his dissertation thesis on colour semantics in Hans Henny Jahnn at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2001. From 2013 to 2015, he was a fellow of the DramaNet project, after which he earned a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for his project “Quantitative Criticism”, based at the University of Stuttgart. His main research interests are German folk theatre and quantitative methods in interpretation theory. He edited the morality plays of Johannes Ulrich von Fedlerspiel, Hirlanda (1999), and of Johann Herbst, Das Laaser Spiel vom Eigenen Gericht (2010). Further publications include works on Goethe, Alexander von Humboldt, Arthur Schnitzler, and Christoph Schlingensief. In addition, T. Bernhart is a playwright and stage director. He wrote the plays Aeneis (after Virgil) (2016), Rita (2014), Mischa, der Fall (2008), Martinisommer (2006), and Lasamarmo (1999).


Bildquelle: Alexander Gehring