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WORKSHOP: Address(ing) (Pro)Nouns - Sociolinguistics and Grammar of Terms of Address


Organisiert von der Arbeitsgruppe Historische Linguistik (Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie)

Organizer: Horst Simon

Organizing Team: Tanja Ackermann, Edgar Baumgärtner, Christian Forche, Christian Zimmer

Contact: histling@zedat.fu-berlin.de

In recent years, it has become difficult to follow the multitude of projects and approaches in the field of address term research. Now it is time to bring together researchers studying different languages and working in different frameworks, such as sociolinguistics, pragmatics and grammatical description. In general, the main question to be answered is: Who uses which form of address when, and why? While older approaches often assumed rather static and wholesale systems of address terms, it seems to become clear that models capturing the dynamicity of address systems are more appropriate to describe the linguistic facts.Themes to be explored include:

• sociolinguistic distribution of address forms within a society

• the role of inter- (and intra-)individual variation within a speech community

• address in intercultural encounters

• address in (literary) translation

• strategic interactional use of address variation

• interplay of nominal and pronominal address forms

• interplay of address forms and forms of self-reference

• acquisition of address rules

• diachrony of address systems

• pronominalisation of address nouns

• typology of address systems

• indirect address forms

• grammatical repercussions of polite address (agreement etc.)

• politeness models and their reflection in address term research

• methods of data collection on address usage

Papers on other suitable themes are also warmly welcomed.

Zeit & Ort


Freie Universität Berlin, "Silberlaube Seminarzentrum", Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin