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PhD projects


completed projects

Submission date




October 2018 Naomi Truan "Who Are You Talking About?" The Pragmatics of Third-Person Referring Expressions. A Contrastive Corpus-Based Study of British, German, and French Parliamentary Debates Prof. Stefanowitsch
March 2018 Kirsten Middeke The Case of Verbal Arguments in Old English Prof. von Mengden
March 2018 Anna Islentyeva Migration Discourse in the British Press: Corpus Linguistic Analysis of Ideological Bias Prof. Stefanowitsch
February 2017 Susanne Chrambach Tracing the word order pattern PLACE BEFORE TIME in the history of English  – a diachronic corpus study of the order of adverbials of place and time in clusters Prof. von Mengden
December 2016 Susanne Flach Serial verb constructions in English. A usage-based perspective. Prof. Stefanowitsch
March 2012 Anneliese Kuhle The semantic core of reciprocal constructions and its relationship to biological concepts of reciprocity Prof. König

current projects



Evan Frendo A corpus-based investigation into Korean VTS English phraseology Prof. Stefanowitsch
Berit Johannsen Semantic variation in have-NP-past participle sequences Prof. von Mengden
Martin Konvička Obligatoriness and its Implication for a Theory of Gramma Prof. von Mengden
Fuying Lin Spoken Academic English: Theoretical Description and Applied Perspectives Prof. Stefanowitsch
Diana Michl How are metonymy and metaphor processed in idioms? The impact of nonliteralness Prof. Stefanowitsch
Alexander Rauhut Quantitative Aspects of the Word Class Continuum Prof. Stefanowitsch

Literary Studies and Cultural Studies





February 2009 Hergen Albus Postkoloniale Diskurse in F. Sionil Josès Rosales Saga Prof. Dr. Dr. West-Pavlov
work in progress Friederike Hahn

Zum Fremdheitsbegriff im englischen Drama des späten sechzehnten und frühen siebzehnten Jahrhunderts

Prof. Dr. Schülting
work in progress Anya Heise von der Lippe

Bodily Harm: The Aesthetics of the New Gothic

Prof. Dr. Schülting
work in progress Tina Helbig Othering in post-colonial Literature and other Literatures in English: Structures, Effects, and Counter Concepts PD Dr. Knellwolf King
February 2010 Elke Hosfeld Von Rebellion zu Regression in den Romanen D.H. Lawrences Prof. Dr. Dr. West-Pavlov
August 2008 Zakhar Ishov The Self-Translations into English of Joseph Brodsky Prof. Dr. Dr. West-Pavlov
work in progress Lukas Lammers

The ‘Pastness of the Past’: Modes of Presentation and History in the Elizabethan Public Playhouse

Prof. Dr. Schülting
work in progress Stephanie von Liebenstein

A Genealogy of the Fat Body in Early Modern Literature

Prof. Dr. Schülting
September 2011 Melanie Lörke Sign, Subject, Space. Boundary Semiotics in Romanticism Prof. Dr. Dr. West-Pavlov
work in progress Judith Luig

’Apollo flies and Daphne holds her chase‘: Strategies of Female Wooers in the Elizabethan Epyllion

Prof. Dr. Schülting
July 2011 Justus Makokha Masculinity in African Asian Fiction Prof. Dr. Dr. West-Pavlov
work in progress Koray Melikoglu The Theme of Guilt in Kazuo Ishiguro's Novels Prof. Dr. Pfister
work in progress Sabine Lucia Müller Discursive Constructions of Female Tudor Kingship: Mary I Prof. Dr. Schülting
work in progress Karine Poirer Nothing in Shakespeare Prof. Dr. Pfister
Februar 2011 Claudia Richter The Calvinesque: An Asethetics of Violence in English Literature After the Reformation Prof. Dr. Pfister
April 2010 Margitta Rouse The Self's Grammar: Performing Poetic Identity in Douglas Dunn's Poetry 1969-2000 Prof. Dr. Pfister
work in progress Lilja Sautter Identitätskonstruktion in der imperialen Diaspora: Viktorianische Literatur von Frauen in England, Australien und Neuseeland Prof. Dr. Schülting
August 2008 Anja Schwarz Beached: A Postcolonial Reading of the Australien Shore Prof. Dr. Dr. West-Pavlov
October 2013 Shikuku Emmanuel Tsikhungu Images of Africa in German Film Prof. Dr. Dr. West-Pavlov
August 2009 Kai Wiegandt Crowd and Rumour in Shakespeare Prof. Dr. Pfister
work in progress Lenka Filipova From Local to Global and Back Again: Environmentalism and a Global Sense of Place Prof. Dr. Wawrzinek
work in progress Judit Minczinger

Gender, Publicity and Urban Space in Turn-of-the-Century British Literature

Prof. Dr. Schülting