Dr. Sarah Dornhof
“Transnationalism and Postcoloniality in Contemporary Art and Cultural Politics in Morocco”
12165 Berlin
Sarah Dornhof studied at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder and at University Aix-Marseille. Her master thesis in Cultural Studies / Anthropology (published 2006) examined representations of gender and violence in French banlieues and the feminist movement ‘Ni putes ni soumises’. In 2007 - 2008, she received a scholarship at the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin. From 2009 to 2012, she was a fellow at the doctoral program ‘Lebensformen & Lebenswissen’ at Viadrina University, Frankfurt/Oder and Potsdam University. In 2013, she received a Ph.D. (in Cultural Studies / Kulturwissenschaften) for a thesis on offensive images, regimes of visibility and the regulation of Islam in Europe. Since November 2013, she has been post-doctoral researcher at the International Research Training Group 'Interart Studies' and her current research investigates transnationalism and postcoloniality in contemporary art and cultural politics in Morocco.
Her general research interests lie in the field of visual culture, orientalisms, secularity, gender studies, and aesthetics.
“Transnationalism and Postcoloniality in Contemporary Art and Cultural Politics in Morocco”
The project examines transnational art and cultural politics as distinct fields of spatial and temporal reconfigurations of the postcolonial in Morocco. The postcolonial – designating, on the one hand, a hierarchical distinction between the West and the non-West and, on the other hand, a permanent subversion of such a clear distinction – is both the condition and material effect of transnational art. The research investigates different modes in which gender, religion, ethnicity, language, class and nationality intersect in the shaping and transforming of visual regimes in which visibilities, representations and subjectivities intersect and interact. The notion of a visual regime embraces – similar to the notion of dispositif or apparatus – the complex material conditions that enable certain visibilities and modes of seeing. It emphasizes intersections, transitions and interdependent modifications of gazes and ideas about reality, of images and narratives, and of art and politics, and it allows analyzing such transitions. Taking cases from film, performance and visual art in Morocco, the study examines the ways in which hegemonic images and orientalist traditions are both reproduced and transformed in different transnational formations.
Forthcoming 2014:
Andere Blicke - Verletzende Bilder und die Regulierung des Islams in Europa. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Weder Huren noch Unterworfene. Geschlechterkonstruktionen und Interkulturalität in der französischen Gesellschaft. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
with Frank Peter and Elena Arigita: Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe: Memory, Aesthetics, Art. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Forthcoming 2014
„Embodied Protest: Performances of Undressing and the Politics of Aesthetics“, in: U. Brunotte, A. Ludewig, A. Stähler (eds.) Orientalism, Gender, and the Jews. Literary and Artistic Transformations of European National Discourses. Berlin: de Gruyter Verlag.
with Frank Peter and Elena Arigita: „Introduction: Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe“, in: Peter/Dornhof/Arigita, Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe: Memory, Aesthetics, Art, Bielefeld: transcript, 9-19.
„Seeing Difference, Seeing Differently“, in: Peter/Dornhof/Arigita, Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe: memory, aesthetics, art, Bielefeld: transcript, 163-185.
Rationalities of Dialogue, in: Current Sociology, Vol. 60, No. 3 (May 2012), 382-398.
Regimes of Visibility: Representing Violence against Women in the French Banlieue, in: Feminist Review, Vol. 98: Islam in Europe (July 2011), 110-127.
Germany: Constructing a Sociology of Islamist Radicalisation, in: Race & Class, Vol. 50, No. 4, 75-82.
Book reviews
Lina Khatib: Image Politics in the Middle East: The role of the image in political struggle. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2013. In: Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME).
Conference Report
Tagungsbericht zum Workshop ‚Protest Culture – Cultural Protest’, 14. – 16. November 2013 an der Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder und dem Collegium Polonicum, Slubice. Erscheint online auf H-Soz-u-Kult.
Hunt: Tod durch Geburt, in: C. Blumenberg, A. Heimes, E. Weizmann, S. Witt (Hg.), Yet removed from the living – Epistemologien des Untoten. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
(orig. English).
Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri: Kritik der Arabischen Vernunft - Die Einführung, Berlin:
Perlen Verlag. (orig. French, with Vincent von Wroblewsky).
Fadela Amara: Weder Huren noch Unterworfene, Berlin: Orlanda Verlag. (orig. French).
Cyrille Fleischman: Rendezvous an der Metro Saint-Paul, Berlin: Philo Verlag. (orig. French).
Eliette Abécassis: Die Verstoßene. Roman, Berlin: Philo Verlag. (orig. French).