Iman Ganji
Plugging Performance Arts into the Revolutionary Machine: Alter-Modernities and the Coming Spatiotemporal Body Relations
PhD Candidate
Doctoral Candidate, International Research Training Group Interart, Institute of Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany (Current)
MA in International Performance Art Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Warwick, United Kingdom; Belgrade, Serbia, 2012-2013
Final Thesis: “The War-Machine of Performance: Alter-modernities and Bodies”
MA in Philosophy of Arts, Graduate School of Philosophy and Research in Arts, Art University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2009-2011
GPA: 18.89/20
Final Thesis: “Collective Art: the Relationship between Art and Politics” – Grade: 19/20 (95%)
B.Sc. in Material Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2004-2009
GPA: 14.68/20
Pre-University Certificate, Hashemi-Nejad High School 3, Mashhad, Iran, 2003-2004 GPA:19.01/20
Diploma Mathematics and Physics, Hashemi-Nejad High School, Mashhad, Iran, 2000-2003 GPA:19.14/20
Awards and Honors
Erasmus Mundus Full Scholarship in MAIPR program, 2012
Ranked 1st in National Graduate entrance exam in philosophy of Arts, 2009
Ranked 1st in National Graduate entrance exam in Art Studies, 2009
Ranked 2nd in National Graduate entrance exam in Islamic Arts, 2009
Plugging Performance Arts into the Revolutionary Machine: Alter-Modernities and the Coming Spatiotemporal Body Relations
Abstract: the following research project would examine the alter-modernities expressed and produced through the war machine of performance. Starting from the concept of Modernity (with a capital m), the research will discuss the Eurocentric character of Modernity, the negative force of anti-modernity, and the differences of Modernity and modernism as western-created concepts. Applying Deleuze's and Guattari’s concepts of war machine and revolutionary machine in the territory of radical performance, the characteristics of possible machinic assemblages between radical performance art and revolutionary machines will be discussed; assemblages which reveal the alter-modernities produced through them. The analysis would traverse a constellation of issues such as representation, organization, immaterial labour, globalization, cultural and creative industries (as a product of neoliberalism) and bodies and their spatiotemporal relations. In addition, it seeks to provide a critique of Nicolas Bourriaud’s alter-modernism and set its distance and differences from it. In order to show the process of making time and space autonomous in radical performance, the following research examines case studies from three distinct periods: the 60s and 70s, the first global cycle of anti-globalization movement from the 90s to the beginning of the post-9/11 era, and finally the most recent cycle of global protests from 2009 to 2012. Through this research that should be carried out on a local as well as a global level, it will be found out how radical performance art contributed to a perspective on alter-modernity which is non-hierarchical, non-representational, transversal, network-based and providing a different set of relations between bodies themselves as well as bodies and their social context.
1. B. Spinoza, “The Political Treatise”, Trans. By Iman Ganji and Peyman Gholami, Tehran: Rouzbehan Publications. (ISBN: 978-600-174-030-5)
2. G. Deleuze and F. Guattari, “a Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia”, Trans. by Iman Ganji, M.Zare, P.Gholami, Z.Eksiri, Two Volumes, Tehran: Rokhdade No Publication. (ISBN: Volume 1: 978-600-6457-35-2; Volume 2: 978-600-6457-39-0)
3. F. Guattari and A. Negri, “New Spaces of Freedom”, Trans. by Iman Ganji and Keyvan Mohtadi, Tehran: Rouzbehan Publication. (ISBN: 7 ـ 023 ـ 174 ـ 600 ـ 978)
4. G. Deleuze, "A Life ... : Collected Essays, Seminars, Letters and Interviews"; Collected, Edited and Translated by Iman Ganji and Peyman Gholami, Tehran: Cheshmeh Publication (ISBN: 978-600-229-140-0)
5. G. Deleuze, "Clinical, Critical", Trans. by Iman Ganji, P.Gholami and Z.Eksiri, Tehran: Rokhdade No Publications (ISBN: 978-600-6457-16-1).
6. G. Deleuze, "1980 Seminars on Leibniz", Trans. by Iman Ganji and Peyman Gholami, Tehran: Rokhdade No Publications (Classification No: 2737947)
7. A. Artaud, “Nervemeter and other Works”, Trans. by Iman Ganji and Peyman Gholami, Tehran: Rokhdade No Publications (ISBN: 978-600-6457-21-5)
8. M. Blanchot, "Disorderly Words: Blanchot and The Political"; Collected, Edited and Translated by Iman Ganji and Mohadeseh Zare, Tehran: Rokhdade-no (Classification No: 2446885)
9. M. Blanchot, "The Last Man", Trans. by Iman Ganji, Tehran: Rokhdade-no Publications (ISBN: 978-600-6457-15-4)
10. K. Marx, "Theory of Crisis and other Essays", Trans. by Iman Ganji and Peyman Gholami, Tehran: Rokhdade Taze Publications (ISBN: 978-600-93098-3-2)
11. Jean-Luc Nancy, "Madness Is the Brother of Emancipation: An Essay Collection", Translated by Mohadeseh Zare and Iman Ganji, Tehran: Rokhdade-taze (ISBN: 978-600-93098-4-9)
12. G. Bataille, "The Soverign Laughter: Bataille and Politics"; Collected, Edited and Translated by Iman Ganji and Mohadeseh Zare, Tehran: Cheshmeh Publication (ISBN: 978-600-229-154-7).
13. B. Groys, A. Negri and others, "Museum Is a Factory: A Political Handbook for Contemporary Arts", Collected, Translated and Written by Iman Ganji and Keyvan Mohtadi, Tehran: Herfe Honarmand Publications (ISBN: 978-600-5759-23-5)
14. M. Davis, "The Planet of Slums", Translated by Iman Ganji and Mohadeseh Zare, Tehran, 2011 (Translated and prepared for a NGO).
15. "Do You Remember Revolution": a book on Contemporary Left in Italy; Collected, Translated and Written by Iman Ganji and Keyvan Mohtadi; Tehran: Rouzbehan Publication (ISBN: 978-600-174-009-1)
16. L. Nochlin, “Women, Art, Power:; Edited by Iman Ganji and Mohadeseh Zare; Tehran: Roozbahan Publication (ISBN: 978-600174-010-7).
17. W. Benjamin; "Author as Producer and other essays"; Collected and Translated by Iman Ganji and Keivan Mohtadi; Tehran: Zavosh Publications (ISBN: 978-600-6269-02-3)
Book Sections:
1. J. Ranciere; "Monument and Resistance in Deleuzian Concept of Art" in "Dissensus"; Translated by Iman Ganji and Keivan Mohtadi; Minuye-Kherad Publications; Tehran 2010 (ISBN: 978-600-6220-02-4)
2. J. Ranciere; "Ethical Turn in Aesthetics" in "Dissensus"; Translated by Iman Ganji and Keivan Mo-htadi; Minuye-Kherad Publications; Tehran 2010 (ISBN: 978-600-6220-02-4)
1. Iman Ganji, "Charisma: Joint of a False Community", Journal of Communication Management, No 16, Tehran, 2011.
2. Interviews with:
Micheal Hardt, July 2011, Etemaad Newspaper.
Mike Davis, July 2011, Etemaad Newspaper.
Simon Critchley, August 2011, Etemaad Nespaper.
Todd May, August 2011, Etemaad Newspaper.
Peter Singer, September 2011, Etemaad Newspaper.
3. Iman Ganji, "On Giorgio Agamben’s Coming Community", Journal of Art and Psychology, No 8, Tehran, 2010.
4. Iman Ganji and Keivan Mohtadi, "On Collective memory: Halbwachs and Ricoeur", Journal of Cinema and Literature, No 26, Tehran, 2010
5. M. Kallen, "Art, Philosophy and Life", Trans. by Iman Ganji, Journal of Iranian Institute of Philosophy , No.1, Tehran, 2010
6. Iman Ganji, "An Itroduction to Philosophy of Arts", Journal of Art and Psychology, No 6, Tehran, 2009
7. Iman Ganji, "On Conditions of Artistic Creation", Journal of Art and Psychology, No 5, Tehran, 2009
8. A. Badiou, "13 Theses on Contemporary Arts", Trans. by Iman Ganji, Journal of Art and Psychology, No 4, Tehran, 2009
9. Iman Ganji, "The Airplane Story: Studying Afghani as Subject", Rokhdaad Online Magazine, Tehran, 2009
10. J.Derrida, "Language (Le Monde on the Telephone)", Trans. by Iman Ganji, Kheradnameh Magazine of Philosophy; No. 2009; Tehran; Iran
11. Iman Ganji, "The beautiful is not aimless: An ethical examination", Ayineh-Khial Magazine of Iranian Academy of Arts, No 14, Tehran, 2008
12. Iman Ganji and Aria Sabetian, "This narrator is not collective" in " Literature and Revolution: On Hushang Golshiri’s short stories", Online Journal of Rokhdaad, No.5, Tehran, 2008
1. Dislocated Performance: Against the Hegemony of Creative Industries, Iman Ganji, International Conference on Creative Industries 2013, Indonesia (Paper Submitted)
2. Commonizing the Disappearing Public Spaces: Multitude against the Capitalist Smooth Space, Iman Ganji and Mohadeseh Zarebidaki, Theory of Architecture Conference (Archtheo’ 13), Istanbul, Turkey (Accepted).