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Politics of the Applied. Theatre and Art as Intervention

Jan 31, 2014 - Feb 01, 2014


The political dimension of theatre and of art is often described, in a variety of heterogeneous discourses, using the concept of 'intervention'. Performances and other artworks in public space are classic sites for strategies of intervention. These works leave behind the established spaces of art and, in turn, reach out to audiences in unfamiliar environments and in close proximity to everyday practices and conflicts. In the field of applied theatre, however, interventions are often staged on the basis of careful planning, bilateral obligations, and calculated objectives. In these cases, intervention can mean that artists or facilitators enter into specifically delimited social contexts in order to initiate and/or advance certain transformation processes. The first international conference of the European Research Council’s project The Aesthetics of Applied Theatre will explore interdisciplinary possibilities for theorizing these different strategies and acts of intervention.


Friday 31 January 2014


Introduction (13:00)

Matthias Warstat (Freie Universität Berlin)


Keynote (13:30 - 14:30)

Guglielmo Schininà (International Organization of Migration)

The Aesthetics and the Ethics of Relating: Performance as Policy


Panel - On Agency (15:00 - 17:00)

Natascha Siouzouli (Freie Universität Berlin)

On Agencies and Withdrawals


Sruti Bala (University of Amsterdam)

The Art of Unsolicited Participation


Maria Shevtsova (Goldsmiths, University of London)

When is an Agent not an Agent?


Keynote (17:30 – 18:30)

Chantal Mouffe (University of Westminster)

Cultural Practices as Political Interventions


Film and Discussion (20:00 – 22:00)

Carmen Losmann

Work Hard Play Hard


Saturday 1 February 2014


Panel - On Protection (11:00 – 13:00)

Julius Heinicke (Freie Universität Berlin)

Zwischen Narrenfreiheit und neokolonialem Protektorat: Zur Frage des ‚Schutzes’ in Afrikas Applied Theatre (Between Jester's License and Neocolonial Protectorate: On the Question of ‘Protection’ in Africa’s Applied Theatre)


Ananda Breed (University of East London)

Fictional Framing: Between Juridical Performances and Narratives of Justice


Wolfgang Schneider (Universität Hildesheim)

Die Freiheit der Teilhabe. Kulturpolitik für ein Theater der Transformation (The Freedom of Participation. Culture Policy for Theatre in Transformation)


Panel - On Transference (15:00 – 17:00)

Benigna Gerisch (International Psychoanalytic University Berlin)

Das psychoanalytische Konzept von Übertragung und Gegenübertragung als Interpretations- und Deutungsinstrument (The Psychoanalytical Concepts of Transference and Countertransference as Interpretational Methods)


Joy Kristin Kalu (Freie Universität Berlin)

Übertragungsszenarien in Aufführungen der Therapie (Scenarios of Transference in Performances of Therapy)


Brigitte Marschall (Universität Wien)

Aktionsanalyse, Selbsttechniken und Erinnerungsarbeit: Otto Mühls Kommune Friedrichshof und Paul-Julien Roberts Film Meine keine Familie (Action Analysis, Technologies of the Self and Memory-Work: Otto Mühl’s Commune Friedrichshof and Paul-Julien Robert’s Film Meine keine Familie)


Round Table (17:30 – 19:30)

On Space and Agency

Vassilis Tsianos (Universität Hamburg)

Gigi Agryropoulou (University of Roehampton)

Alessandro Petti & Sandi Hilal (DAAR & Campus in Camps)

Notice: The conference will be held in English and German.
German lectures will be translated into English.
Free entrance. There is no need to register in advance.

Time & Location

Jan 31, 2014 - Feb 01, 2014

Auditorium, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Grunewaldstr. 35, 12165 Berlin