Friday, 24th February 2012
8.30 - 9.15 REGISTRATION
9.15 - 9.40 INTRODUCTION
9.40 - 10.40 Brian D. JOSEPH (Ohio State)
What counts as (an instance of) grammaticalization
10.40 - 11.10 COFFEE BREAK
11.10 - 11.50 Csilla Ilona DÉR (Budapest)
Grammaticalization: a specific type of semantic and category change
11.50 - 12.30 Muriel NORDE & Karin BEIJERING (Groningen)
Facing interfaces - a clustering approach
12.30 - 14.00 LUNCH
14.00 - 14.40 Geert BOOIJ (Leiden) & Matthias HÜNING (FU Berlin)
From compound to derivation: affixoids and the rise of derivational affixes
through 'constructionalization'
14.40 - 15.20 Peter HARDER & Kasper BOYE (Copenhagen)
Grammaticalization and constructionalization
15.20 - 16.00 Graeme TROUSDALE (Edinburgh)
Grammaticalization in a network model of language
16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK
16.30 - 17.10 Nigel VINCENT & Kersti BÖRJARS (Manchester)
Models of grammaticalization: compositionality and beyond
17.10 - 17.50 David WILLIS (Cambridge)
Exaptation and degrammaticalization within an acquisition-based model of
17.50 - 18.30 Carlotta VITI (Zurich)
On exceptions to grammaticalization
19.30 DINNER
Saturday, 25th February 2012
9.00 - 10.00 Ulrich DETGES (Munich)
Grammaticalization, pragmaticalization, subjectification
10.00 - 10.40 Esme WINTER-FROEMEL (Tübingen)
Grammaticalization, (inter-)subjectification, and pragmaticalization:
modelling changes in communication
10.40 - 11.10 COFFEE BREAK
11.10 - 11.50 Eva Skafte JENSEN (Roskilde)
What’s in a noun? The grammaticalization of the indefinite article
11.50 - 12.30 Tine BREBAN (Leuven)
Defining secondary grammaticalization: semantic and formal subprocesses
12.30 - 14.00 LUNCH
14.00 - 14.40 Torsten LEUSCHNER (Ghent)
At the interface of discourse and syntax: complex sentence constructions
14.40 - 15.20 Kristin DAVIDSE (Leuven)
Distinguishing grammaticalization from lexicalization
15.20 - 15.50 COFFEE BREAK
15.50 - 16.30 Lars-Erik ZEIGE (HU Berlin)
Discussing ontologies of grammaticalisation processes