Preparing your dissertation for submission
You must submit six printed and bound copies of your dissertation. All copies must include a title page containing the following information: your name, the department, an indication that the dissertation is being submitted to Freie Universität Berlin, and the year of submission. All copies must also include a cover page with the names of the examiners. The appendices should include a short summary of the dissertation in German and English, as well as a declaration of authorship.
Additionally, they should include a list of any previous publications that are the result of your work on the doctoral studies project, as well as any previously published works.
You may also submit a copy of your CV.
If the written part of your doctoral studies project is based on cumulative work rather than a single dissertation, your submission should contain the same information as a monograph. Additionally, it should consist of a list of the titles of the individual works, as well as an introduction and text which brings these works together, interpreting, evaluating, and discussing the individual works in a comprehensive manner.