Oral defense (“Disputation”)
Unless you expressly object to this, the oral defense may be attended by any member of Freie Universität Berlin. Should you object, you must declare your objection when submitting your dissertation at the latest.
The oral defense begins with a 30-minute presentation in which you describe the findings of your dissertation and their significance within the relevant field of research. Following this, you must defend your dissertation against criticism and answer questions posed by members of the doctoral committee. These questions will be aimed at locating the significance of the dissertation and any problems within the wider academic context. Following this, the chairperson of the doctoral committee may allow members of the public to ask questions regarding the subject of the oral defense. The presentation must be between thirty and sixty minutes in duration.
Please note that the oral defense may only take place once the viewing period has finished! As you must coordinate the date for your oral defense with the chairperson and other members of the doctoral committee, please take formalities such as these into account when organizing the date for your defense.
The examination office issues the invitation to the oral defense on behalf of the chairperson of the doctoral committee. As such, it is important that you inform the person in the examination office responsible for the subject of your doctoral studies of the date, time, and place of your oral defense in good time.
All members of the doctoral committee must take part in the oral defense and the doctoral committee meeting. If a member is indisposed, a new date must be organized or an application must be submitted to the doctoral board requesting a replacement member.
The grade for the oral defense and the final grade will be announced following completion of the oral defense.