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WS 2015/16:

Tongdong Bai, Professor of Philosophy

School of Philosophy, Fudan University

220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China 200433





Former President, Association of Chinese Philosophers in North America (ACPA)

SS 2016:

Prof. Dr. Kai Marchal (Soochow University, Taiwan)

Kai Marchal is professor in the Department of Philosophy at Soochow University (Taipei, Taiwan), specializing in Chinese Philosophy, Political Philosophy, and Ethics and holding a Ph.D. from the University of Munich in Chinese Studies and Philosophy (2006). He is also co-director of the International Center for Chinese Philosophy at Soochow University.

→ CV (Stand Oktober 2015)

SS 2017:

Prof. Marion Wenning (Univ. of Macau)

Mailing Address:
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Philosophy and Religious Studies Program
Building E21, 4th Floor, Room 4109
Avenida da Universidade
Macau, China
Telephone: +853 88228804
Email: mwenning@umac.mo
General Information

Academic Background
• Humboldt Research Fellow, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2011-2013
• Ph.D., New School for Social Research, New York, 2007
• M.A., Concordia University, Montreal, 2003
• M.A., University of Münster, 2003

→ CV and Publications

WS 2017/18:

Prof. Tze-wan Kwan (CUHK, HongKong)

KWAN, Tze-wan (關子尹)
Dr. phil. (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 1981)
M. Phil. (Philosophy, CUHK, 1976)
B. A. (Philosophy and History, CUHK, 1974)

Address: Philosophy Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin NT, HK

Tel.: +852-39438554 (direct); +852-39438525

(Secretary); +852-39437165 (Comp. Lab)

Fax: +852-26035323

→ Webpage

→ CV 

→ Seminarplan: Chinesische Sprache und Schrift in philosophischer Sicht

→ Fotos

WS 2018/19:

Prof. Roger T. Ames (University of Hawai’i / Peking University)

BA 1970, University of British Columbia
MA 1973, University of British Columbia
PhD 1978, University of London

CCS Faculty
Professor, Philosophy
Sakamaki B-302: 956-7288
Department: 956-8649; Fax: 956-9228
Email: rtames@hawaii.edu

Roger T. Ames is Humanities Chair Professor at Peking University, a Berggruen Fellow, and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i. He is former editor of Philosophy East & West and founding editor of China Review International. Ames has authored several interpretative studies of Chinese philosophy and culture: Thinking Through Confucius (1987), Anticipating China (1995), Thinking From the Han (1998), and Democracy of the Dead (1999) (all with D.L. Hall), and most recently Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary (2011). His publications also include translations of Chinese classics: Sun-tzu: The Art of Warfare (1993); Sun Pin: The Art of Warfare (1996) (with D.C. Lau); the Confucian Analects (1998) and the Classic of Family Reverence: The Xiaojing (2009) (both with H. Rosemont), Focusing the Familiar: TheZhongyong (2001), and The Daodejing (with D.L. Hall) (2003). Almost all of his publications are now available in Chinese translation, including his philosophical translations of Chinese canonical texts. He has most recently been engaged in compiling the new Blackwell Sourcebook of Classical Chinese Philosophy, and in writing articles promoting a conversation between American pragmatism and Confucianism.

→ Homepage

→ Wikipedia 

→ Seminarplan: Daoismus

SS 2019:

Prof. Dr. Li Shuangzhi (Fudan University, Shanghai)

College of Foreign Languages and Literature
German Department
Wenke Lou 228B
Fudan University
Handan Road 220
200433 Shanghai

Email: lishuangzhi@fudan.edu.cn

• Humboldt Research Fellow, Göttingen University, 2014-2017
• Ph.D., Freie Universität, Berlin, 2013
• M.A., Peking University, Beijing, 2007
• B.A., Peking University, Beijing, 2004

Shuangzhi Li is now assoc. Professor for German Literature at Fudan University. His main fields of research are the German modern literature and aethetics from the 19th. till 21th.century, comparative studies of literature and culture in Germany and China, and translation studies. His publications include a German book on the German Decadence Literature around 1900, a Chinese book about Herta Müller and plenty of articles in German, Chinese and English as well as translations of Walter Benjamin, Manfred Frank, Hermann Hesse, Hugo von Hofmannsthal etc. into Chinese. 

→ CV

→ Seminarplan: Von der Großen Mauer zum Pekinger Kaiserhof: Komparatistik im globalen Kontext

WS 2019/20:

Prof. Dr. Sun Xiangchen (School of Philosophy, Fudan University)

Dean of the School of Philosophy, Fudan University
Standing director of the Society of Foreign Philosophy of China
Director of the Institute of Religion of China
Vice President of Shanghai Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy
Vice President of the Professional Committee of French Philosophy of the Society of Modern Foreign Philosophy of China

BA, MA, PhD: Fudan University
E-mail: xiangchen.sun@fudan.edu.cn

Sun Xiangchen, Doctor of Philosophy, is a professor and the dean of the School of Philosophy, Fudan University, whose main fields of research are western modern Philosophy, enlightenment Philosophy, political Philosophy, Jewish and Christian Philosophy, Phenomenology, French Philosophy, and comparative Philosophy. He has been successively a visiting scholar in the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, Regent College in Canada, Yale University in the USA, the Institute of Chinese Christian Culture Research in Hong Kong, the University of Birmingham in UK, the School of Philosophy in the University of Munich in Germany, the University of Chicago in the USA, and Taiwan University.

→ CV

→Seminarplanplan: A Modern Interpretation of Chinese Philosophy

SS 2020:

Prof. Dr. Yong Huang (Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

BA 1981, East China Normal University
MA 1984, Fudan University
PhD 1987, Fudan University, Philosophy
Th.D 1998, Harvard University

CUHK Faculty
Professor, Philosophy
Shatin, NT. Hong Kong
E-mail: yonghuang@cuhk.edu.hk
Tel.: (852) 3943-9678

Yong Huang, Ph.D. (Fudan) and Th.D. (Harvard), is a professor of philosophy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, after teaching at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania for 17 years. He served as the President of Association of Chinese Philosophers in America, co-chair of University Seminar on Neo-Confucian Studies at Columbia University, and co-chair of the Confucian Tradition Group of American Academy of Religion. He is the editor of Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy and Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy (a book series), both by Springer. His research interests include ethics, political philosophy, and Chinese and comparative philosophy. Author of Religious Goodness and Political Rightness: Beyond the Liberal and Communitarian Debate (2001), Confucius: A Guide for the Perplexed (2012), and Why Be Moral: Learning from the Neo-Confucian Cheng Brothers (2014), as well as three volumes of essays in Chinese, Ethics in a Global Age, Politics in a Global Age, and Religion in a Global Age (all in 2010), Huang has also published over 70 journal articles and book chapters each in English and Chinese.

→ Homepage 

→ CV

→ Seminarplan: Pre-Qin Confucian Philosophy

WS 2020/21:

Dr. Wang Ge

1996       BA an der Fremdsprachenuniversität Dalian
2001       MA an der Fremdsprachenuniversität Beijing (BFSU)
2005       PhD an der Fremdsprachenuniversität Beijing (BFSU), Freie Universität Berlin
2008       PostDoc an der Peking University, Philosophische Fakultät
2020       Forschungsmitglied am Institut für Philosophie an der CASS (Chinese Academy for Social Sciences)
2010       Visiting Scholar an der Oxford University
2020       Gastprofessur an der Chinesische Akademie für Buddhismus
2020       Fellowship am Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin

Dr. WANG Ge ist Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Philosophin, zuletzt an der CASS (Chinese Academy for Social Sciences) in Beijing. Sie hat umfangreiche Lehrerfahrungen an der Peking University, der Fremdsprachenuniversität Beijing (BFSU) und der Chinesische Akademie für Buddhismus. Ihr Forschungsinteresse liegt im Bereich Deutscher Idealismus, Romantik und später Heidegger. Sie ist als Übersetzerin / Dolmetscherin und als Moderatorin für akademische und kulturelle Veranstaltungen im deutsch-chinesischen Kulturaustausch tätig.

→ Seminarplan: Introduction into Chinese Buddhist Philosophy 

SS 2021:

Prof. Dr. Fabian Heubel 何乏筆

1995 Master in sinology (Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main)
2000 Ph.D. in philosophy (TU Darmstadt)
2001-2002 Post-Doc at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica (Taipei)
2002-2008 Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
2008-2013 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
2013- Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
2012-2013 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Research Fellowship for experienced researchers at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main
2014- Associate Member, Institute for Social Research, Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main
2017-2020 Professor (joint appointment), Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University (Kaohsiung)
2017- Lecturer (Lehrauftrag) at Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Department of Philosophy 

Main research interests are in classical and contemporary Chinese philosophy, interpretations of Chinese philosophy in Western sinology, Critical Theory, contemporary German and French thought, aesthetics and philosophy of art.


2002 Das Dispositiv der Kreativität, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
2013 Markus Schmücker and Fabian Heubel (eds.), Dimensionen der Selbstkultivierung: Beiträge des Forums für asiatische Philosophie, Freiburg: Alber.
2016 Chinesische Gegenwartsphilosophie zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius.
2017 何乏筆 (Fabian Heubel) 主編, 《若莊子說法語》 (If Zhuangzi speaks French), 臺北市: 臺大人社高研院東亞儒學研究中心.
2017何乏筆 (Fabian Heubel) 主編,《跨文化漩渦中的莊子》(Zhuangzi in Transcultural Turmoil), 臺北市: 臺大人社高研院東亞儒學研究中心.
2020 Gewundene Wege nach China. Heidegger-Daoismus-Adorno. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
2021 Was ist chinesische Philosophie? Kritische Perspektiven, Hamburg: Meiner.
2021 何乏筆 (Fabian Heubel),《修養與批判:跨文化視野中的晚期傅柯》(Self-cultivation and Critique: The Late Foucault in Transcultural Perspective), 新北市: 聯經.

→ CV

→ Seminarplan: Ästhetik im Laozi  (WS 2020-21)  → Seminarplan: Politische Philosophie im Laozi  (SS 2021)  

SS 2022:

PD Dr. Hans Feger

→ CV

→ Seminarplan: Die Rezeption Chinesischer Philosophie in Europa

WS 2022/23:

Prof. Dr. Tze-wan Kwan (CUHK)

→ CV

→ Seminarplan: Chinesische Sprache und Schrift in philosophischer und kulturübergreifender Sicht

WS 2022/23:

Prof. Dr. Ci Jiwei

→ CV

→ Course Description: An Anatomy of Democratization: With Particular Reference to China and Extensive Discussion of Elias and Habermas

SS 2023:

Prof. Dr. Fabian Heubel 何乏筆 (Taipei)

→ CV

→ BA Seminar: Konfuzianische Philosophie. Die „Vier Bücher“ → BA Seminar: Konfuzianische Gegenwartsphilosophie → MA Seminar: Weg und Wahrheit (von Laozi zu Platon)

WS 2023/24:

Prof. Dr. Huang Yong (CUHK)

→ CV

→ Course Description: Confucian Virtue Ethics

Prof. Dr. Fabian Heubel 何乏筆 (Taipei)

→ CV

→ BA Seminar: Daoistische Philosophie: Laozi und Zhuangzi → BA Seminar: Philosophien der Selbstkultivierung → MA Seminar: Daoistische Gegenwartsphilosophie: Laozi und Heidegger

SS 2024:

PD Dr. Hans Feger

→ CV

→ Seminarplan: Ethik in der chinesischen buddhistischen Philosophie

WS 2024/25:

Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Kantor(Taipei)

→ CV

→ Seminarplan: Der mittlere Pfad in der buddhistischen Philosophie Chinas